首页> 外文期刊>Bioinformatics >Cyanobacterial response regulator PatA contains a conserved N-terminal domain (PATAN) with an alpha-helical insertion

Cyanobacterial response regulator PatA contains a conserved N-terminal domain (PATAN) with an alpha-helical insertion


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The cyanobacterium Anabaena (Nostoc) PCC 7120 responds to starvation for nitrogen compounds by differentiating approximately every 10th cell in the filament into nitrogen-fixing cells called heterocysts. Heterocyst formation is subject to complex regulation, which involves an unusual response regulator PatA that contains a CheY-like phosphoacceptor (receiver, REC) domain at its C-terminus. PatA-like response regulators are widespread in cyanobacteria; one of them regulates phototaxis in Synechocystis PCC 6803. Sequence analysis of PatA revealed, in addition to the REC domain, a previously undetected, conserved domain, which we named PATAN (after PatA N-terminus), and a potential helix-turn-helix (HTH) domain. PATAN domains are encoded in a variety of environmental bacteria and archaea, often in several copies per genome, and are typically associated with REC, Roadblock and other signal transduction domains, or with DNA-binding HTH domains. Many PATAN domains contain insertions of a small additional domain, termed a-clip, which is predicted to form a four-helix bundle. PATAN domains appear to participate in protein-protein interactions that regulate gliding motility and processes of cell development and differentiation in cyanobacteria and some proteobacteria, such as Myxococcus xanthus and Geobacter sulfurreducens.
机译:蓝藻鱼腥藻(Nostoc)PCC 7120通过将灯丝中大约每10个细胞分化为固氮细胞(称为异胞藻)来响应氮化合物的饥饿。异型囊的形成受到复杂的调节,这涉及一个不寻常的应答调节因子PatA,该PatA在其C末端包含一个CheY样磷酸受体(受体,REC)域。类似PatA的反应调节因子在蓝细菌中很普遍。其中之一可调节蓝藻PCC 6803中的趋光性。对PatA的序列分析显示,除了REC结构域之外,还有一个以前未被发现的保守结构域,我们将其命名为PATAN(在PatA N末端之后),以及一个潜在的螺旋-转-螺旋结构(HTH)域。 PATAN结构域在各种环境细菌和古细菌中编码,通常每个基因组有几个拷贝,并且通常与REC,Roadblock和其他信号转导结构域或与DNA结合的HTH结构域相关。许多PATAN域包含一个小的附加域(称为a-clip)的插入,预计将形成四螺旋束。 PATAN结构域似乎参与了蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用,该相互作用调节了蓝细菌和某些变形细菌(如黄黏胶球菌和还原性硫细菌)中的滑动运动以及细胞发育和分化过程。



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