首页> 外文期刊>Geophysical Research Letters >Bottom scour observed under Hurricane Ivan

Bottom scour observed under Hurricane Ivan


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Observations that extensive bottom scour along the outer continental shelf under Hurricane Ivan resulted in the displacement of more than 100 million cubic meters of sediment from a 35 x 15 km region directly under the storm's path are presented. Sediment resuspension was accomplished by the extreme waves generated by Ivan and transported by strong near-bottom wind-driven currents. The sediment transport was primarily westward along the shelf, but also contained a significant offshore component, suggesting sediment was transported toward the Mississippi Delta and that it may have accumulated near the shelf break and on the upper continental slope. The maximum observed scour of about 32 and 36 cm took place at two locations approximately 17 km apart along the 60 m isobath over which the maximum wind stress occurred.
机译:提出的观察结果是,在伊万飓风的作用下,沿外大陆架的大量底部冲刷导致从风暴路径正下方的35 x 15 km地区移走了超过1亿立方米的沉积物。沉积物的重新悬浮是由伊万产生的极强波浪完成的,并由强近端的风力驱动。沉积物的运输主要沿架子向西,但也包含大量的近海成分,这表明沉积物已被运往密西西比河三角洲,并可能在架子断裂附近和大陆上部斜坡上积累。在沿最大风应力发生的60 m等深处,相距约17 km的两个位置分别发生了约32和36 cm的最大观测冲刷。



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