首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society >Influence of Aminized Graphite Nanosheets on the Physical Properties of PMMA-based Nanocomposites

Influence of Aminized Graphite Nanosheets on the Physical Properties of PMMA-based Nanocomposites


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In this work, poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) was grafted onto amine treated graphite nanosheets (NH2-GNs) and the surface characteristics and physical properties of the NH2-GNs-g-PMMA films were investigated. The graft reaction of NH2-GNs and PMMA was confirmed from the shift of the N_(1S) peak, including amine oxygen and amide oxygen, by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The surface characteristics of the NH2-GNs-g-PMMA films were measured as a function of the NH2-GN content using the contact angle method. It was revealed that the specific component of the surface free energy (γ_s) of the films was slightly increased as the NH2-GN content increased. Also, the thermal and mechanical properties of the NH2-GNs-g-PMMA films were enhanced with the addition of NH2-GNs. This can be attributed to the chemical bonding caused by the graft reaction between the NH2-GNS and the PMMA matrix.



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