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How and why climate variability differs between the tropical Atlantic and Pacific


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The tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans share many common climatological features such as easterly trade winds, eastward shoaling thermocline, an eastern cold tongue and a northerly intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). However, a comparison of climate variability between the two oceans reveals more differences than similarities. The Pacific is dominated by the equatorially symmetric El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) while the Atlantic ITCZ is controlled by changes in interhemispheric sea surface temperature (SST) gradient. To understand the causes of these differences in variability, a dynamic ocean-atmosphere coupling model is developed that includes both the Bjerknes and wind-evaporation-SST feedbacks. Equatorially symmetric and anti-symmetric modes emerge from the model, displaying distinct growth rate dependence on zonal wavenumber. Consistent with observations, an equatorially trapped ENSO mode dominates an ocean with a longitudinal size of the Pacific while in a smaller Atlantic-size one, a monopole mode with a broad meridional scale coexists with an equatorially anti-symmetric dipole mode.



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