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Variations in droughts over China: 1951-2003


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The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) was calculated by using monthly air temperature and precipitation in China during the period 1951 to 2003. For the country as a whole, there are no long-term upward or downward trends in the percentage areas of droughts ( defined as PDSI < - 1.0). However, significant increases of drought areas are found in North China. Most northern China (except western Northwest China) has experienced severe and prolonged dry periods since the late 1990s, when in some of the areas the extreme drought situations were unprecedented during the period of study. Since these regions are relatively dry areas, frequent drought stress in recent decades has become more serious.
机译:帕尔默干旱严重性指数(PDSI)是使用1951年至2003年期间中国的每月气温和降水量计算得出的。对于整个国家而言,干旱百分比区域没有长期的上升或下降趋势(定义为PDSI <-1.0)。但是,在华北地区,干旱地区显着增加。自1990年代后期以来,大多数华北地区(中国西北部地区除外)经历了严重而漫长的干旱时期,当时在某些地区,极端干旱情况在研究期间是前所未有的。由于这些地区是相对干旱的地区,近几十年来频繁的干旱压力变得更加严重。



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