首页> 外文期刊>Geophysical Research Letters >Responses of the Kuroshio and the Kuroshio Extension to global warming in a high-resolution climate model - art. no. L14617

Responses of the Kuroshio and the Kuroshio Extension to global warming in a high-resolution climate model - art. no. L14617

机译:在高分辨率气候模型中,黑潮和黑潮扩展对全球变暖的反应-艺术。没有。 L14617

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Using a high-resolution atmosphere - ocean coupled climate model, responses of the Kuroshio and the Kuroshio Extension (KE) to global warming are investigated. In a climate change experiment with atmospheric CO2 concentration ideally increased by 1% year(-1), the current velocity of the Kuroshio and KE increases, while the latitude of the Kuroshio separation to the east of Japan does not change significantly. The increase of the current velocity is up to 0.3 m s(-1) at 150 degrees E. This acceleration of the Kuroshio and KE is due to changes in wind stress over the North Pacific and consequent spin-up of the Kuroshio recirculation gyre. The acceleration of the currents may affect sea level along the southern coast of Japan and northward heat transport under global warming.
机译:使用高分辨率的大气-海洋耦合气候模型,研究了黑潮和黑潮扩展(KE)对全球变暖的响应。在气候变化实验中,大气中的二氧化碳浓度理想地增加了1%(-1)年(1),黑潮和KE的当前速度增加了,而黑潮分离到日本东部的纬度没有明显变化。在150度E处,当前速度的增加高达0.3 m s(-1)。黑潮和KE的这种加速是由于北太平洋风应力的变化以及黑潮循环回旋器的旋转所致。在全球变暖的情况下,洋流的加速可能会影响日本南部海岸的海平面和向北的热传输。



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