首页> 外文期刊>Geophysical Research Letters >Rotational Raman Lidar measurements of atmospheric temperature in the UV - art. no. L01106

Rotational Raman Lidar measurements of atmospheric temperature in the UV - art. no. L01106

机译:UV中的旋转拉曼激光雷达测量大气温度-艺术。没有。 L01106

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Measurements of atmospheric temperature have been performed by the NASA Scanning Raman Lidar based on the application of the pure rotational Raman (RR) technique. These measurements represent to our knowledge the first successful lidar measurements of temperature using the RR technique in the UV region, where eye-safe concerns are far less stringent than in the visible and IR. While the system configuration was unoptimized for temperature measurements, nevertheless results were achieved that demonstrate the feasibility of the RR technique for meteorological and climatological applications. Based on 90 minutes data averaging, lidar measurements extend up to 23 km, with RMS deviation between lidar and simultaneous radiosondes not exceeding 1.2 K and average bias smaller than 0.5 K. Simulations reveal that the RR technique in the UV has the potential for providing accurate measurements throughout the troposphere, with appreciable improvement with respect to visible systems for daytime operation. [References: 10]
机译:NASA扫描拉曼激光雷达基于纯旋转拉曼(RR)技术的应用,已经进行了大气温度的测量。据我们所知,这些测量代表了使用RR技术在紫外线区域首次成功进行激光雷达温度测量,在该区域,人眼安全问题远没有可见光和IR严格。尽管未针对温度测量对系统配置进行优化,但仍获得了表明RR技术在气象和气候应用中的可行性的结果。根据90分钟的平均数据,激光雷达的测量范围可扩展到23 km,激光雷达与同时进行的探空仪之间的RMS偏差不超过1.2 K,平均偏差小于0.5K。模拟表明,紫外光中的RR技术具有提供准确的潜力整个对流层的测量,相对于白天运行的可见系统有明显改善。 [参考:10]



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