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Concerns in a primary care population about genetic discrimination by insurers.


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PURPOSE:: Fear of genetic discrimination might deter participation in research or therapy. This is a major impetus for laws limiting insurers' use of genetic information, yet there is little information about the extent of this fear in the general population and how it varies by social factors. METHODS:: This study measures concern about insurance problems relating to genetic testing, as part of primary-care screening for hereditary hemochromatosis (iron overload). Data come from a multiethnic, primary care-based survey of 86,859 adults in five field centers in the United States (AL, CA, DC, HI, OR), and one in Canada (Ontario). Logistic regression was used to model the probability of agreeing to the question Genetic testing is not a good idea because you might have trouble getting or keeping your insurance."RESULTS:: Overall, 40.0% of participants agreed. Adjusting for other characteristics, African Americans and Asians were much less likely (OR = 0.52 and 0.39), and Hispanics were more likely (OR = 1.124), than Caucasians to express concern about insurance discrimination. Participants under 65 years old, US residents, and those without a high school diploma were substantially more likely to be concerned (ORs ranging from 1.4-1.6), as were participants with lower mental health scores. Education showed a nonlinear relationship, with significantly higher concern among both those with less than a high school education and those with a college degree, compared to high school graduates. CONCLUSIONS:: Concern about genetic discrimination varies substantially by race and other demographic factors and by nationality. One possible explanation for lower concern about Canadians and by people over 64 is that both groups are covered by social insurance for health care (Medicare). However, US residents in states with some legal protections against genetic discrimination had more, not less, concern than either Canadians or US residents in states with no legal protections.
机译:目的:担心遗传歧视可能会阻碍研究或治疗的参与。这是限制保险公司使用遗传信息的法律的主要推动力,但关于这种恐惧在普通人群中的程度以及其如何因社会因素而变化的信息很少。方法:作为一项遗传性血色素沉着病(铁超负荷)的初级保健筛查的一部分,本研究测量对与基因检测有关的保险问题的关注。数据来自一项基于多种族,以初级保健为基础的调查,该调查在美国的五个现场中心(AL,CA,DC,HI,OR)和加拿大的一个中心(安大略省)对86,859名成年人进行了调查。 Logistic回归用于对同意这个问题的可能性进行建模,因为您可能很难获得或保留保险,因此基因测试不是一个好主意。”结果::总体而言,有40.0%的参与者表示同意。根据其他特征进行调整,非洲裔美国人与白种人相比,亚洲人对保险歧视的担忧要小得多(OR = 0.52和0.39),而西班牙裔则更有可能(OR = 1.124)。65岁以下的参与者,美国居民和没有高中文凭的人受教育程度呈非线性关系,受教育程度低于高中的人和受过大学教育的人中,受关注程度明显更高(OR在1.4-1.6之间),心理健康评分较低的参与者结论:种族,其他人口统计学因素和国籍对基因歧视的关注差异很大。对加拿大人和64岁以上人群较少关注的一种可能解释是,这两个群体都享有医疗保健社会保险(Medicare)。然而,与没有法律保护的州的加拿大人或美国居民相比,在某些法律保护下免受基因歧视的州的美国居民所引起的关注更多而不是更少。



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