首页> 外文期刊>Geriatrics & gerontology international. >Intensive rehabilitation for dementia improved cognitive function and reduced behavioral disturbance in geriatric health service facilities in Japan

Intensive rehabilitation for dementia improved cognitive function and reduced behavioral disturbance in geriatric health service facilities in Japan


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Aim: To examine the efficacy of rehabilitation for elderly individuals with dementia at intermediate facilities between hospitals and home, based on the policies for elderly individuals to promote community-based care at home and dehospitalization. Methods: Participants were older adults with dementia newly admitted to intermediate facilities. A total of 158 in the intervention group who claimed Long-Term Care Insurance for three consecutive months, and 54 in the control group were included in the analysis. The interventions were carried out in a tailor-made manner to meet individual needs. The personal sessions were carried out three times a week for 3 months after admission by physical, occupational or speech therapists. Outcome measures were cognitive tests (Hasegawa Dementia Scale revised [HDS-R] and Mini-Mental State Examination), and observational assessments of dementia severity, activities of daily living (ADL), social activities, behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) using a short version of the Dementia Disturbance Scale (DBD13), depressive mood, and vitality. Results: Significant improvement in the intervention group was shown in cognitive function measured by HDS-R (interaction F[1, 196]=5.190, P=0.024), observational evaluation of dementia severity (F[1,198]=9.550, P=0.002) and BPSD (DBD13; F[1,197]=4.506, P=0.035). Vitality, social activities, depressive mood and ADL were significantly improved only in the intervention group, although interaction was not significant. Conclusions: Significant improvement by intervention was shown in multiple domains including cognitive function and BPSD. Cognitive decline and worsening of BPSD are predictors of care burden and hospitalization, thus intensive rehabilitation for dementia was beneficial for both individuals with dementia and their caregivers.
机译:目的:根据老年患者促进在家中以社区为基础的护理和住院治疗的政策,研究老年痴呆症患者在医院和家庭之间的中间设施中康复的功效。方法:参与者为新近进入中间机构的老年痴呆症患者。干预组中共有158名连续三个月申请长期护理保险,而对照组中有54名参与了分析。干预措施是为满足个人需要而量身定制的。物理,职业或言语治疗师入院后三个月,每周进行三次私人会议,持续三个月。结果是进行认知测试(长谷川痴呆量表修订版[HDS-R]和小精神状态检查),并对痴呆严重程度,日常生活活动(ADL),社交活动,痴呆的行为和心理症状(BPSD)进行观察评估使用简短版的痴呆障碍量表(DBD13),抑郁情绪和活力。结果:干预组显着改善,通过HDS-R测量的认知功能(相互作用F [1,196] = 5.190,P = 0.024),观察性评估痴呆严重程度(F [1,198] = 9.550,P = 0.002) )和BPSD(DBD13; F [1,197] = 4.506,P = 0.035)。活力,社交活动,抑郁情绪和ADL仅在干预组显着改善,尽管交互作用并不显着。结论:在包括认知功能和BPSD在内的多个领域中,干预显着改善。 BPSD的认知下降和恶化是护理负担和住院的预测因素,因此,对于痴呆症患者及其护理人员来说,强化痴呆症的康复治疗都是有益的。



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