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On the finding of Taenia saginata in a geriatric patient


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In a letter to the Editor, Kalkan et al. describe how a 177-cm long tapeworm parasite was removed perorally from the stomach of an 80-year-old woman by means of endoscopy. Based on its morphology, the tapeworm was diagnosed as Taenia saginata. The authors indicate that the source of infection was the ingestion of raw or undercooked beef infected with the tapeworm larvae, namely Cysticercus bovis. Concerning the symptomatology of T. saginata carriers, Kalkan et al. cite two bibliographic references, a book on Parasitology and an article on Taenia saginata asiatica. Humans are definitive hosts of three species of the Taenia genus; that is, Taenia solium (the pork tapeworm), T. saginata (the beef tapeworm) and T. asiatica (syn T. saginata asiatica)? From a morphological point of view, it is practically impossible to distinguish T. asiatica from T. saginata. Currently, the only method to differentiate both species is by means of molecular analysis.4 Therefore, based on the diagnostic method used in this case, the tapeworm removed could indeed be either T. saginata or T. asiatica. Although the symptomatology of the carriers of both species might be similar, the source of infection is absolutely different, as humans have to eat raw or undercooked pork to become infected with T. asiatica instead of eating beef, as in the case of T. saginata infection. Without the performance of molecular techniques, only in the case where the patient does not eat pork would it be possible to assess that the species involved is T. saginata.
机译:在致编辑的信中,卡尔坎等人。描述了如何通过内窥镜从一名80岁妇女的胃中经口去除177厘米长的worm虫寄生虫。根据其形态,the虫被诊断为牛带Ta虫。作者指出,感染的来源是摄入被the虫幼虫感染的未加工或未煮熟的牛肉,即牛Cysticercus。关于T. saginata携带者的症状,Kalkan等。引用了两个参考书目,一本关于寄生虫学的书和一本关于Ta虫Taenia saginata asiatica的文章。人类是the虫属的三个物种的最终宿主。分别是猪带the虫(Taenia solium,猪肉tape虫),牛sa虫(T. saginata)和牛肉asia虫(T. asiatica)?从形态学的观点来看,实际上不可能将亚洲锥虫与锯缘牛肝菌区分开。当前,区分这两种物种的唯一方法是通过分子分析。4因此,根据在这种情况下使用的诊断方法,去除的tape虫确实可能是T. saginata或T. asiatica。尽管两个物种的携带者的症状可能相似,但感染的来源却完全不同,因为人类必须吃生的或未煮熟的猪肉来感染亚洲锥虫而不是像牛肉一样食用牛肉。感染。如果没有分子技术的应用,只有在患者不吃猪肉的情况下,才有可能评估涉及的物种为T. saginata。



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