首页> 外文期刊>Genes and Development: a Journal Devoted to the Molecular Analysis of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes, Prokaryotes, and Viruses >Tpr directly binds to Mad1 and Mad2 and is important for the Mad1-Mad2-mediated mitotic spindle checkpoint.

Tpr directly binds to Mad1 and Mad2 and is important for the Mad1-Mad2-mediated mitotic spindle checkpoint.


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The mitotic arrest-deficient protein Mad1 forms a complex with Mad2, which is required for imposing mitotic arrest on cells in which the spindle assembly is perturbed. By mass spectrometry of affinity-purified Mad2-associated factors, we identified the translocated promoter region (Tpr), a component of the nuclear pore complex (NPC), as a novel Mad2-interacting protein. Tpr directly binds to Mad1 and Mad2. Depletion of Tpr in HeLa cells disrupts the NPC localization of Mad1 and Mad2 during interphase and decreases the levels of Mad1-bound Mad2. Furthermore, depletion of Tpr decreases the levels of Mad1 at kinetochores during prometaphase, correlating with the inability of Mad1 to activate Mad2, which is required for inhibiting APC(Cdc20). These findings reveal an important role for Tpr in which Mad1-Mad2 proteins are regulated during the cell cycle and mitotic spindle checkpoint signaling.
机译:有丝分裂阻滞缺陷蛋白Mad1与Mad2形成复合物,这是将有丝分裂阻滞施加于扰动纺锤体组件的细胞所必需的。通过亲和纯化的Mad2相关因子的质谱分析,我们确定了易位的启动子区域(Tpr),是核孔复合体(NPC)的组成部分,是一种新型的Mad2相互作用蛋白。 Tpr直接绑定到Mad1和Mad2。 HeLa细胞中Tpr的耗竭破坏了相间NPC的Mad1和Mad2定位并降低了与Mad1结合的Mad2的水平。此外,Tpr的耗竭会降低前阶段动植物的Mad1水平,这与Mad1不能激活Mad2无关,而后者是抑制APC(Cdc20)所必需的。这些发现揭示了在细胞周期和有丝分裂纺锤体检查点信号传导过程中调节Mad1-Mad2蛋白的TPr的重要作用。



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