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Cold fingers in a hot magma: Numerical modeling of country-rock diapirs in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa


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Partially molten diapirs and domes in Earth's continental crust can be an effective means of transporting heat from lower to higher levels, often producing pronounced pro-grade metamorphic aureoles. Our numerical thermomechanical models show that this classical thermal scenario is violated by the diapirs of partially molten metasedimentary rocks to 8 km in diameter that penetrate the Bushveld Complex, the world's largest layered intrusion. Here, diapirism was triggered by the emplacement of an 8-km-thick, hot, and dense mafic magma over a cold and less dense sedimentary succession. These diapirs promoted cooling of the giant magma chamber, bringing cooler material into higher crustal levets. Comparison between numerical results and geological observations indicates that diapir nucleation is crucially dependent on the presence of initial topographic disturbances between 800 and 1000 m in height in the floor of the magma chamber, and also allows critical parameters of initial geometry and temperature distribution of the Bushveld event to be outlined. [References: 16]
机译:地球大陆壳中部分熔融的辉石和穹顶可能是将热量从较低水平传导到较高水平的有效手段,通常会产生明显的前级变质金黄色。我们的数值热力学模型表明,直径达8 km的部分熔融的沉积沉积岩的绝壁穿透了世界最大的分层侵入物Bushveld Complex,违反了这种经典的热学情景。在这里,二叠纪是由厚达8公里,热而致密的铁镁质岩浆在寒冷而密度较小的沉积演替之上的位置触发的。这些底物促进了巨大岩浆腔的冷却,使较冷的物质进入更高的地壳。数值结果与地质观测结果之间的比较表明,底辟的成核作用主要取决于岩浆室底板中高度在800至1000 m之间的初始地形扰动的存在,并且还可以提供布什维尔德的初始几何形状和温度分布的关键参数要概述的事件。 [参考:16]



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