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Integenomic translocations of polyploid oats (genus Avena) revealed by genomic in situ hybridization


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Wild and cultivated hexaploid oats share the same genomes (AACCDD) and display a considerable level of interspectific variation in both plant and chromosome morphology. The GISH was utilized to detect the interspecific genomic compositions in four hexaploid and two tetraploid oats using total genomic DNA of Avena eriantha (a C-genome diploid) as probe. Intergenomic translocations between A/D and C-genome chromosomes were frequently observed in hexaploid and tetraploid species. In the hexaploid, two pairs of A/D genome segments on C-genome chromosome (A/D-C) translocation and four to six pairs of C-genome segments on A/D genome chromosome (C-A/D) translocation were clearly identified whilst the number of A/D-C translocations was constant among species. In the tetrapliod A.maroccana (AACC), a pair of A-C and four pairs of C-A translocations were observed. Moreover, the A/D translocation segments on chromosome 5C was detected only in A.byzantina and A.maroccana, whilst A/D-C translocations were observed on the 1C and 7C of A.sativa, A.fatua and A.sterilis. A.byzantina did however also carry the 1C rearrangement. This result shows that A.byzantina has retanined a similar genomic constitution to the tetraploid ancestor of hexaploid oats, A. maroccana. Three pairs of A-C translocations were detected only in A.murphyi (AACC), and two pairs of those were the 1C and 7C as well as the three hexaploid species except A.byzantina.
机译:野生和栽培的六倍体燕麦具有相同的基因组(AACCDD),并且在植物和染色体形态上均表现出相当高的种间差异。使用燕麦Avena eriantha的总基因组DNA(C基因组二倍体)作为探针,利用GISH检测四个六倍体燕麦和两个四倍体燕麦中的种间基因组组成。在六倍体和四倍体物种中经常观察到A / D和C基因组染色体之间的基因组易位。在六倍体中,在C基因组染色体(A / DC)易位上有两对A / D基因组片段,在A / D基因组染色体(CA / D)易位上有四到六对C基因组片段。 A / DC易位的数量在物种之间是恒定的。在四足动物A.maroccana(AACC)中,观察到一对A-C和四对C-A易位。此外,仅在拜占庭A.byzantina和A.maroccana中检测到5C染色体上的A / D易位区段,而在苜蓿,苜蓿和A.sterilis的1C和7C上观察到A / D-C易位。但是A.byzantina确实也进行了1C重排。该结果表明拜占庭曲霉已恢复了与六倍体燕麦摩洛哥曲霉的四倍体祖先相似的基因组组成。仅在墨菲A.murphyi(AACC)中检测到三对A-C易位,其中两对分别是1C和7C以及除拜占庭菌以外的三个六倍体物种。



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