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Chow rings and decomposition theorems for families of K3 surfaces and Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces


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The decomposition theorem for smooth projective morphisms π: X → B says that Rπ_*Q decomposes as direct+ R~iπ_*Q[-i]. We describe simple examples where it is not possible to have such a decomposition compatible with cup product, even after restriction to Zariski dense open sets of B. We prove however that this is always possible for families of K3 surfaces (after shrinking the base), and show how this result relates to a result by Beauville and the author [2] on the Chow ring of a K3 surface S. We give two proofs of this result, the first one involving K-autocorrespondences of K3 surfaces, seen as analogues of isogenies of abelian varieties, the second one involving a certain decomposition of the small diagonal in S~3 obtained in [2]. We also prove an analogue of such a decomposition of the small diagonal in X~3 for Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces X in P~n, which in turn provides strong restrictions on their Chow ring.
机译:光滑射影射态π的分解定理:X→B表示Rπ_* Q分解为直接+ R〜iπ_* Q [-i]。我们描述了一些简单的示例,即使在限制到Zariski密集的B集之后,也无法与杯子产品兼容。但是,我们证明了K3曲面族(在收缩基部之后)总是可行的,并显示此结果与Beauville和作者[2]在K3曲面S的Chow环上的结果之间的关系。我们给出此结果的两个证明,第一个证明涉及K3曲面的K自对应,被视为K3曲面的类似物。是阿贝尔变种的同工型,第二个涉及[2]中获得的S〜3中小对角线的一定分解。我们还证明了P〜n中Calabi-Yau超曲面X的X〜3中小对角线分解的类似物,这反过来为其Chow环提供了严格的限制。



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