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Snowflake groups, Perron-Frobenius eigenvalues and isoperimetric spectra


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The k-dimensional Dehn (or isoperimetric) function of a group bounds the volume of efficient ball-fillings of k-spheres mapped into k-connected spaces on which the group acts properly and cocompactly; the bound is given as a function of the volume of the sphere. We advance significantly the observed range of behavior for such functions. First, to each nonnegative integer matrix P and positive rational number r, we associate a finite, aspherical 2-complex X_(r,P) and determine the Dehn function of its fundamental group G_(r,P) in terms of r and the Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue of P. The range of functions obtained includes delta(x) velence x~(s), where s E Q intersect [2, infinity) is arbitrary. Next, special features of the groups G_(r,P) allow us to construct iterated multiple HNN extensions which exhibit similar isoperimetric behavior in higher dimensions. In particular, for each positive integer k and rational s >= (k + 1)/k, there exists a group with k-dimensional Dehn function x~(s). Similar isoperimetric inequalities are obtained for fillings modeled on arbitrary manifold pairs (M, (partial deriv)M) in addition to (B~(k+1), S~(k)).
机译:组的k维Dehn(或等距)函数限制了映射到k个连通空间中的k个球体的有效球填充量,该组在其上正确有效地协同作用。边界是球体体积的函数。我们大大提高了此类功能的行为观察范围。首先,对于每个非负整数矩阵P和正有理数r,我们将有限的非球面2复数X_(r,P)关联起来,并根据r和p确定其基本群G_(r,P)的Dehn函数。 P的Perron-Frobenius特征值。获得的函数范围包括delta(x)velence x〜(s),其中s EQ相交[2,infinity)是任意的。接下来,组G_(r,P)的特殊功能使我们能够构造迭代的多个HNN扩展,这些扩展在更高维度上表现出相似的等静行为。特别是,对于每个正整数k和有理s> =(k + 1)/ k,存在一个具有k维Dehn函数x〜(s)的组。除了(B〜(k + 1),S〜(k))以外,对于在任意歧管对(M,(偏导数)M)上建模的填充,也获得了类似的等渗不等式。



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