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European and Global Economic Situation of the Chemical Industry: Achema


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Reading about the financial performance of chemical companies in newspapers and magazines, one might get the impression that our industry is doing not too bad and that our future looks fine. For the short term one could have this feeling, even if 2005 was disappointing. According to our economic outlook forecast of end 2005, output growth in 2005 was indeed expected to grow by only 1.6percent, compared to 2.6percent in 2004. The reason for the slowdown in production growth in 2005 was that the external demand for chemicals was less dynamic due to a deceleration in global economic activity. Unfortunately, domestic demand in Europe could not compensate for the fallback in foreign demand. High crude oil prices (US-dollar 57/bl) had put pressure on private consumption. The various chemical subsectors were impacted to differing degrees by the weaker economic situation in 2005. The year 2005 showed a sharp increase in the production for basic chemicals, especially petrochemicals and inorganics production. By contrast, after having performed very well in 2004, specialty & fine chemicals activity decreased as a consequence of weaker global demand, intensive international competition and cost increases (e.g. oil prices).
机译:阅读报纸和杂志上的化学公司的财务状况,可能会给人一种印象,即我们的行业状况还不错,我们的未来看起来还不错。就短期而言,即使2005年令人失望,人们也会有这种感觉。根据我们对2005年底的经济前景预测,2005年的产量增长的确预计仅增长1.6%,而2004年则为2.6%。2005年产量增长放缓的原因是外部对化学品的需求较少动态是由于全球经济活动的减速。不幸的是,欧洲的国内需求无法弥补外国需求的回落。高昂的原油价格(57美元/桶)给私人消费带来了压力。 2005年疲软的经济形势对各个化学子行业产生了不同程度的影响。2005年基本化学产品的产量急剧增加,特别是石化产品和无机物的产量。相比之下,由于全球需求疲软,激烈的国际竞争和成本上涨(例如,油价),特种和精细化学品业务在2004年表现出色后有所下降。



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