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Mitsubishi to proceed with Donggi Senoro LNG project in Indonesia


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Japan’s Mitsubishi Corporation has given a cautious welcome to the Indonesian Government’s decision to sanction the Donggi Senoro LNG project in Central Sulawesi but has not given a specific timeframe for the project’s development.Last week the government decided the project could export up to 75% of its output to Japanese buyers with the rest allocated to Indonesia’s domestic market (see Gas Matters Today, June 18).“We will be working together with partners toward a final investment decision and we aim to contribute to Indonesia through this project,” Mitsubishi spokesman Shunsuke Nanami told the Jakarta Post on Friday.Mitsubishi (51%) is the lead partner in the venture which also includes Indonesian state oil and gas company Pertamina (29%) and Indonesian energy company PT Medco International (20%).Medco project director Lukman Mahfoedz said the consortium would take a final investment decision (FID) as soon as possible. “We began discussions about the project commercialisation with [upstream oil and gas regulator] BPMigas with a target to complete the FID process in six to eight weeks from now,” Lukman said. First LNG would then follow in 2014.The project looked on course for FID last year but it was halted in its tracks by calls from the government to allocate the gas from the Senoro and Matindok fields to the Indonesian domestic market to help tackle local energy shortages. But the government has relented and will allow the bulk of the gas to be exported in order to make the project viable.Chubu Electric (1 mtpa), KOGAS (0.7 mtpa) and Kyushu Electric (0.3 mtpa) signed up to buy the volumes from the 2 mtpa project. – JO’C
机译:日本三菱公司对印度尼西亚政府决定批准苏拉威西省中部的东吉西诺罗液化天然气项目表示谨慎的欢迎,但没有给出具体的开发时间表。三菱公司发言人Shunsuke说:“我们将与合作伙伴一起做出最终投资决定,我们的目标是通过这个项目为印度尼西亚做出贡献。” Nanami周五在《雅加达邮报》(Jakarta Post)上说,三菱(51%)是该合资企业的主要合作伙伴,其中还包括印尼国家石油和天然气公司Pertamina(29%)和印尼能源公司PT Medco International(20%)。 Mahfoedz说,该财团将尽快做出最终投资决定(FID)。卢克曼说:“我们开始与[上游石油和天然气监管机构] BPMigas讨论该项目的商业化,目标是从现在起六至八周内完成FID流程。”随后第一批液化天然气将在2014年问世。去年,该项目一直在进行FID计划,但由于政府要求将Senoro和Matindok气田的天然气分配给印尼国内市场以帮助解决当地能源短缺的问题,该项目被暂停了。 。但政府已做出让步,将允许出口大量天然气以使该项目可行。中部电力(1吨/年),KOGAS(0.7吨/年)和九州电气(0.3吨/年)签署协议,从2 mtpa项目。 – JO’C



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