首页> 外文期刊>Geoderma: An International Journal of Soil Science >Soil-geomorphic relations of lamellae in eolian sand on the High Plains of Texas and New Mexico.

Soil-geomorphic relations of lamellae in eolian sand on the High Plains of Texas and New Mexico.


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Clay lamellae are ubiquitous features in sands in a wide variety of settings around the world. Most studies of lamellae focus on: (1) a few or individual locales or on (2) formation by experimental methods in the laboratory. This study reports on lamellae from eight localities in three late-Quaternary dune fields on the Southern High Plains of northwest Texas and eastern New Mexico. Most lamellae observed are alluvial and they increase in number and thickness through time. A few (1-3) thin (1-2 mm) lamellae formed in Historic sediments. Lamellae are more numerous (3-12) and thicker (3-5 mm) in older late Holocene (<1000 14C years BP) and middle Holocene (<7600 14C years BP) sands. Soils that formed through the late Pleistocene and into the early Holocene (14 300-7600 14C years BP) or soils that formed throughout the Holocene can exhibit as many as 30 lamellae or lamellae of 10-12 mm thickness. The micromorphology of the lamellae shows that argillans on sand grains are thicker, more laminated, more continuous, and cap and link more grains through time. Other variables affect lamella morphology. Within individual dunes, the lamellae are best expressed where the sand is thickest; they decrease in number and thickness as sand thins. The lamellae also form only in clean, well-drained sand. Poor drainage and/or bioturbation result in formation of a continuous argillic horizon encasing lamellae..
机译:粘土薄片是世界各地各种环境中沙子中普遍存在的特征。薄片的大多数研究都集中在:(1)少数几个或单个位置或(2)在实验室中通过实验方法形成。这项研究报告了得克萨斯州西北部南部高平原和新墨西哥州东部的三个晚第四纪沙丘田地中八个地区的薄片。观察到的大多数薄片都是冲积的,并且它们的数量和厚度随时间增加。在历史沉积物中形成了几(1-3)薄(1-2 mm)的薄片。在较晚的全新世(<1000 14C年BP)和中全新世(<7600 14C年BP)的砂岩中,薄片的数量更多(3-12),而厚度更大(3-5 mm)。从更新世晚期到全新世(BP 14300-7600 14C年)形成的土壤或整个全新世形成的土壤可显示多达30个薄片或10-12 mm厚度的薄片。薄片的微观形态表明,沙粒上的精晶石更厚,更层压,更连续,并且随着时间的流逝盖住并连接更多的粒料。其他变量会影响薄片形态。在单个沙丘中,薄板最能体现出沙子最厚的地方。随着沙子变薄,它们的数量和厚度都会减少。薄片也仅在干净,排水良好的沙子中形成。排水不良和/或生物扰动会导致形成连续的藻土层,并包裹薄片。



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