首页> 外文期刊>Geoderma: An International Journal of Soil Science >Mass fractal dimensions of soil aggregates from different depths of a compacted Vertisol

Mass fractal dimensions of soil aggregates from different depths of a compacted Vertisol


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There is limited information on the application of fractal concepts to Vertisols. The objectives of this study were to: (i) test the applicability of the fractal fragmentation theory to Vertisols and (ii) see whether the parameters of fractal models reflect differences in soil management and with depth. The soil was sampled at 0-10, 10-20, and 20-40 cm depths in early May 1998, 15 days after the rice harvest. Undisturbed clods were taken, submerged in ethanol and air-dried prior to sieving, seven size classes were selected ranging from 0.25-0.5 to 7.0-10.0 mm. Aggregate bulk density was measured from six selected aggregates from each size class by a combination of kerosene and paraffin methods. Fractal equations fitted the experimental data reasonably well, the coefficient of determination, R-2, was more than 97% for the log-linear regression and 83% for non-linear estimation. There were no differences between the fractal parameters with soil depth. The density-size relation showed a scale-variant behaviour. Fractal theory could be a valuable tool for the study of Vertisols. From the point of view of fractal parameters, the three soil depths were in the same condition after crop harvest. It is suggested that the bulk density of an aggregate of unit length could be used as a measure of soil compaction.
机译:分形概念在Vertisols中的应用信息有限。这项研究的目的是:(i)测试分形破碎理论对Vertisols的适用性,以及(ii)分形模型的参数是否反映了土壤管理和深度的差异。在水稻收获后的15天,1998年5月上旬,在0-10、10-20和20-40 cm深度对土壤进行了采样。收集未受干扰的土块,浸入乙醇中并风干,然后过筛,选择了0.25-0.5至7.0-10.0 mm的七个尺寸等级。通过煤油和石蜡方法的组合,从每种尺寸类别的六个选定的骨料中测量骨料的堆积密度。分形方程很好地拟合了实验数据,对数线性回归的测定系数R-2大于97%,非线性估计的测定系数R-2大于83%。分形参数与土壤深度之间没有差异。密度-尺寸关系显示出尺度变化的行为。分形理论可能是研究Vertisols的有价值的工具。从分形参数的角度来看,农作物收割后三种土壤深度处于相同条件。建议将单位长度的骨料的堆积密度用作土壤压实度的量度。



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