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Sediment partitioning and winnowing in a mixedeolian-marine system (Mauritanian shelf)


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Continental shelf systems are highly dynamicsedimentary environments, where sediments from biogenicproduction as well as from terrigenous sources are redis-tributed in the shelf depositional system, and partlyexported off the shelf to the slope and the deep sea. TheGolfe d'Arguin (Mauritania, NW Africa) is dominated bysuch redistribution processes, involving elastic silt importedas dust from the Sahara desert and biogenic carbonates ofmarine origin. Indeed, surface-sediment grain size andmineralogy show a clear north–south partitioning ofsediment type. Fine material is winnowed from the northernpart of the gulf, and transported toward the southern part offthe Banc d'Arguin, where coarse silt settles on the outershelf and upper slope, at least down to 600 m water depth.Particles of the fine silt fraction, estimated in terms ofeolian material collected aboard the research vessel, arethought to be exported further offshore as they correspondto grain sizes previously reported from adjacent deep-seasediments. These findings suggest that the interpretation ofdust records from the continental slope and rise off NWAfrica must consider reworking and partitioning processesactive on the Mauritanian shelf.
机译:大陆架系统是高度动态的沉积环境,来自生物生产和陆源的沉积物在该架沉积系统中重新分布,并部分地从该架出口到斜坡和深海。戈尔费·德阿金(Golfe d'Arguin)(非洲西北部的毛里塔尼亚)的重分配过程占主导地位,涉及从撒哈拉沙漠作为粉尘进口的弹性淤泥和海洋生物碳酸盐。实际上,表面沉积物的粒度和矿物学显示出沉积物类型的明显的南北划分。细粒物质从海湾的北部风吹开,然后被运往Banc d'Arguin南部,在那里粗粉砂沉积在外层和上坡,至少深至600 m水深。根据研究船上收集的风沙物质估算的值,应被视为与相邻深部沉积物先前报道的粒度相对应,进一步出口到近海。这些发现表明,对来自大陆斜坡和西北非大陆上升的粉尘记录的解释必须考虑到毛里塔尼亚大陆架上活跃的返工和划分过程。



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