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Seismic expression of gas and gas hydrates across the western Black Sea


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This study is a synthesis of gas-related features in recent sediments across the western Black Sea basin. The investigation is based on an extensive seismic dataset, and integrates published information from previous local studies. Our data reveal widespread occurrences of seismic facies indicating free gas in sediments and gas escape in the water column. The presence of gas hydrates is inferred from bottom-simulating reflections (BSRs). The distribution of the gas facies shows (1) major gas accumulations close to the seafloor in the coastal area and along the shelfbreak, (2) ubiquitous gas migration from the deeper subsurface on the shelf and (3) gas hydrate occurrences on the lower slope (below 750 m water depth). The coastal and shelfbreak shallow gas areas correspond to the highstand and lowstand depocentres, respectively. Gas in these areas most likely results from in situ degradation of biogenic methane, probably with a contribution of deep gas in the shelfbreak accumulation. On the western shelf, vertical gas migration appears to originate from a source of Eocene age or older and, in some cases, it is clearly related to known deep oil and gas fields. Gas release at the seafloor is abundant at water depths shallower than 725 m, which corresponds to the minimum theoretical depth for methane hydrate stability, but occurs only exceptionally at water depths where hydrates can form. As such, gas entering the hydrate stability field appears to form hydrates, acting as a buffer for gas migration towards the seafloor and subsequent escape.
机译:这项研究是整个黑海西部盆地最近沉积物中与天然气有关的特征的综合。该调查基于广泛的地震数据集,并整合了先前本地研究的已发布信息。我们的数据揭示了地震相的广泛发生,表明沉积物中的游离气体和水柱中的气体逸出。从底部模拟反射(BSR)可以推断出天然气水合物的存在。天然气相的分布表明:(1)沿海地区和沿架子的海床附近有大量的天然气成藏;(2)架子较深的地下普遍存在天然气运移;(3)下斜坡的天然气水合物发生(水深750 m以下)。沿海和陆架破裂的浅层气区分别对应于高水位和低水位沉积中心。这些地区的天然气极有可能是由于生物甲烷的原位降解而产生的,可能是深层天然气在棚架堆积中的贡献。在西部大陆架上,垂直天然气运移似乎起源于始新世或更早的烃源,在某些情况下,它与已知的深层油气田显然相关。在小于725 m的水深处,海底的气体释放量很高,这对应于甲烷水合物稳定性的最小理论深度,但仅在可能形成水合物的水深处例外释放。这样,进入水合物稳定性场的气体似乎形成水合物,充当气体向海底迁移并随后逸出的缓冲。



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