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Worn Gear Contact Analysis


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How does one perform a contact analysis for worn gears? Response provided by Dr. Stefan Beermann: Wear is an ongoing process that decreases the quality of a gear with increasing number of load cycles. So typical issues addressed by a contact analysis of a worn gear is the transmission error caused by the deviations from the involute, and maybe the effect on the contact stress due to nicks and edges on the theoretically smooth profile. Also, the change in load distribution is of interest. The information about the wear can come from two sides: it might be from simulation or from a real gear measured on an appropriate measuring machine. In the first case there is usually no problem to get the worn profile into the contact analysis. In the second case you have to be careful in the preparation of the profile data; scan the gear on a measuring machine. Use a high resolution, preferably more than 100 points-per-flank. Then the best next step would be to read the points into a CAD package and convert the points into a curve. For instance - a spline curve or circular arcs. Here you have to pay extra attention, since you might analyze approximation artifacts afterwards instead of the effect of the wear.
机译:如何对磨损的齿轮进行接触分析? Stefan Beermann博士的回应:磨损是一个持续的过程,随着负载循环次数的增加,齿轮的质量下降。因此,磨损齿轮的接触分析所解决的典型问题是由渐开线的偏离引起的传动误差,以及可能由于理论上光滑的轮廓上的缺口和边缘而对接触应力造成的影响。同样,负载分布的变化也很重要。有关磨损的信息可能来自两个方面:可能来自模拟,也可能来自在适当的测量机上测量的实际齿轮。在第一种情况下,将磨损的轮廓纳入接触分析通常没有问题。在第二种情况下,您在准备配置文件数据时必须格外小心;在测量机上扫描齿轮。使用高分辨率,最好每侧超过100点。然后,最好的下一步是将点读取到CAD软件包中,然后将点转换为曲线。例如-样条曲线或圆弧。在这里您必须格外注意,因为您之后可能会分析近似伪像,而不是磨损的影响。



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