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Outlook and developments in the EU and the international dairy trade


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Different organizations have recently published forecasts on the development of the World Market up to 2004 and 2005. The results of the forecasts were relatively close. FAO predicted a rise in milk production to 615 million tonnes in 2005, compared with 540 million tonnes in the base period around 1995. In the FAO outlook the world is differentiated into into three groups: developed, transitional, and developing countries. The milk output of developing countries is forecast to grow by 60 million to 249 million tonnes. One major developing producing country is India, where the strongest growth in terms of quantities is expected. Production in developed and transitional countries will increase according to the forecast by 14 million and 2 million tonnes, respectively. Transitional countries are split between CIS and other Central and East European countries. For the latter the base period (1995) marked the lowest point in their production, whereas the lowest point of CIS production might be reached now in 1999, and in 2005 it will be still below the mid-1990s level. Strong gains may occur in the Latin America/Caribbean region and in China. In Oceania, production will follow increasing export opportunities with a strong growth, too. Small increases are also expected in North America, and more or less stagnation in Europe. The forecast of production will be almost in line with the long-term increase of demand. World trade in dairy products will increase at the same speed and stay at around 7% of overall production.



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