首页> 外文期刊>Genetics: A Periodical Record of Investigations Bearing on Heredity and Variation >Involvement of the Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling gene family in DNA damage response and recombination

Involvement of the Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling gene family in DNA damage response and recombination

机译:拟南芥SWI2 / SNF2染色质重塑基因家族参与DNA损伤反应和重组

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The genome of plants, like that of other eukaryotes, is organized into chromatin, a compact structure that reduces the accessibility of DNA to machineries such as transcription, replication, and DNA recombination and repair. Plant genes, which contain the characteristic ATPase/helicase motifs of the chromatin remodeling Swi2/Snf2 family of proteins, have been thoroughly studied, but their role in homologous recombination or DNA repair has received limited attention. We have searched for homologs of the yeast RAD54 gene, whose role in recombination and repair and in chromatin remodeling is well established. Forty Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 genes were identified and the function of a selected group of 14 was analyzed. Mutant analysis and/or RNAi-mediated silencing showed that 11 of the 14 genes tested played a role in response to DNA damage. Two of the 14 genes were involved in homologous recombination between inverted repeats. The putative ortholog of RAD54 and close homologs of ERCC6/ RAD26 were involved in DNA damage response, Suggesting functional conservation across kingdoms. In addition, genes known for their role in development, such as PICKLE/GYMNOS and PIE1, or in silencing, Such as DDM1, turned Out to also be involved in DNA damage response. A comparison of ddm1 and met1 Mutants suggests that DNA damage response is affected essentially by chromatin structure and that cytosine methylation is less critical. These results emphasize the broad involvement of the SWI2/SNF2 family, and thus of chromatin remodeling, in genome maintenance and the link between epigenetic and genetic processes.
机译:像其他真核生物一样,植物的基因组也被组织成染色质,这种紧凑的结构减少了DNA对诸如转录,复制以及DNA重组和修复等机械的可及性。植物基因,其中包含染色质重塑Swi2 / Snf2家族蛋白的特征性ATPase /解旋酶基序,已经被彻底研究,但是它们在同源重组或DNA修复中的作用受到了有限的关注。我们已经搜索了酵母RAD54基因的同源物,该基因在重组和修复以及染色质重塑中的作用已得到充分确立。鉴定了40个拟南芥SWI2 / SNF2基因,并分析了14个选定小组的功能。突变分析和/或RNAi介导的沉默显示,测试的14个基因中有11个在对DNA损伤的应答中起作用。 14个基因中的两个参与了反向重复序列之间的同源重组。推测的RAD54直系同源基因和ERCC6 / RAD26的紧密同源基因参与了DNA损伤反应,表明跨王国的功能保守性。此外,事实证明,以其在发育中的作用而闻名的基因,例如PICKLE / GYMNOS和PIE1,或在沉默中的基因,例如DDM1,也参与了DNA损伤反应。 ddm1和met1突变体的比较表明,DNA损伤反应基本上受染色质结构影响,胞嘧啶甲基化的关键性较低。这些结果强调了SWI2 / SNF2家族的广泛参与,以及染色质重塑在基因组维护以及表观遗传和遗传过程之间的联系。



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