首页> 外文期刊>Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: Journal of the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society >Multi-metal contaminant dynamics in temporarily flooded soil under sulfate limitation

Multi-metal contaminant dynamics in temporarily flooded soil under sulfate limitation


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In many river basins, floodplain soils have accumulated a variety of metal contaminants, which might be released during periods of flooding. We investigated the dynamics of copper, cadmium, lead, zinc, and nickel in a contaminated freshwater floodplain soil under a realistic sulfate-limited flooding regime in microcosm experiments. We found that most contaminants were initially mobilized by processes driven by the reductive dissolution of Fe(III) and Mn(IV, III) (hydr)oxides. Subsequently, bacterial sulfate respiration resulted in the transformation of the entire available sulfate (2.3 mmol/kg) into chromous reducible sulfur (CRS). Cu K-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy revealed that the soil Cu speciation changed from predominantly Cu(II) bound to soil organic matter (SOM) intermittently to 14% metallic Cu(0) and subsequently to 66% copper sulfide (CuxS). These CuxS precipitates accounted for most of the formed CRS, suggesting that CuxS was the dominant sulfide phase formed in the flooded soil. Sequential metal extractions, in agreement with CRS results, suggested that easily mobilizable Cd was completely and Pb partially sequestered in sulfide precipitates, controlling their dissolved concentrations to below detection limits. In contrast, Zn and Ni (as well as Fe) were hardly sequestered into sulfide phases, so that micromolar levels of dissolved Zn and Ni (and millimolar dissolved Fe(II)) persisted in the reduced soil.The finding that Cu, Cd, and Pb were sequestered (but hardly any Zn, Ni, and Fe) is consistent with the thermodynamically predicted sulfide ladder following the increasing solubility products of the respective metal sulfides. The observation that Cd and Pb were sequestered in sulfides despite the presence of remaining SOM-bound Cu(II) suggested that the kinetics of Cu(II)desorption, diffusion, and/or CuxS precipitation interfered with the sulfide ladder. We conclude that the dynamics of multiple metal contaminants are intimately coupled under sulfate limitation by the relative thermodynamic stabilities and formation kinetics of the respective metal sulfides.
机译:在许多流域,漫滩土壤中积累了各种金属污染物,这些污染物可能在洪水期间释放出来。在微观实验中,我们研究了在现实的硫酸盐限制的驱替条件下,在被污染的淡水洪泛区土壤中铜,镉,铅,锌和镍的动力学。我们发现,大多数污染物最初是通过还原溶解Fe(III)和Mn(IV,III)(氢)氧化物驱动的过程而动员的。随后,细菌硫酸盐呼吸作用导致全部可用硫酸盐(2.3 mmol / kg)转化为铬还原性硫(CRS)。 Cu K边缘X射线吸收精细结构(XAFS)光谱显示,土壤Cu形态从主要与土壤有机质(SOM)结合的主要Cu(II)间歇性变为14%金属Cu(0),随后变为66%铜硫化物(CuxS)。这些CuxS沉淀物占形成的CRS的大部分,这表明CuxS是在淹水土壤中形成的主要硫化物相。连续的金属萃取与CRS结果一致,表明易迁移的Cd已完全固结,而Pb则部分地固存在硫化物沉淀中,从而将其溶解浓度控制在检测限以下。相比之下,Zn和Ni(以及Fe)几乎没有螯合成硫化物相,因此还原土壤中仍存在微摩尔水平的溶解的Zn和Ni(以及毫摩尔溶解的Fe(II))。铅和铅的螯合(但几乎没有锌,镍和铁)与热力学预测的硫化物阶梯相一致,这是由于各个金属硫化物的溶解度产物增加所致。尽管存在残留的SOM结合的Cu(II),但Cd和Pb仍被螯合在硫化物中的观察结果表明,Cu(II)的解吸,扩散和/或CuxS沉淀动力学干扰了硫化物阶梯。我们得出的结论是,在各种硫酸盐的限制下,多种金属污染物的动力学通过各自的金属硫化物的相对热力学稳定性和形成动力学而紧密耦合。



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