首页> 外文期刊>Genetica >Genetic diversity and geographic differentiation of disjunct Atlantic and Amazonian populations of Psychotria ipecacuanha (Rubiaceae)

Genetic diversity and geographic differentiation of disjunct Atlantic and Amazonian populations of Psychotria ipecacuanha (Rubiaceae)


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Ipecac (Psychotria ipecacuanha) is a perennial, medicinal herb that grows in the understory of semi-deciduous tropical forests in the Neotropics. Ipecacs present a widely disjunct distribution, with two of its three ranges occurring in Brazil. The Amazonian populations are at least 1600 km from the nearest Atlantic populations. This work used ISSR markers to compare the genetic diversity and structure of populations from the two Brazilian ranges. Lower genetic diversity in Amazon populations (P = 60.11%, Hs = 0.18) and higher genetic diversity in Atlantic populations (P = 73.94%, Hs = 0.20) were detected. Differentiation between ranges were high (theta (B) = 0.6838, G(ST)-B = 0.6665). AMOVA revealed that 65.3% of the total molecular variance can be attributed to regional differences between the two ranges. Principal coordinate analyses and cluster analyses organized ipecacs at either individual or population level into two exclusive groups that correspond each to one of the two disjunct ranges, without exception. The results do not support a scenario that postulates human-mediated, long-distance dispersal events as a plausible origin for the distribution of the Brazilian ipecacs, but indicate geographic isolation as a long-standing barrier to genetic exchange and connectivity among populations from different ranges. Conservation implications are discussed.
机译:Ipecac(Psychotria ipecacuanha)是多年生的药用植物,生长在新热带地区半落叶热带森林的林下。伊佩卡奇的分布范围很广,三个范围中的两个分布在巴西。亚马逊地区的人口至少距离最近的大西洋人口1600公里。这项工作使用ISSR标记来比较两个巴西范围的种群遗传多样性和结构。在亚马逊种群中遗传多样性较低(P = 60.11%,Hs = 0.18),在大西洋种群中遗传多样性较高(P = 73.94%,Hs = 0.20)。范围之间的差异较大(θ(B)= 0.6838,G(ST)-B = 0.6665)。 AMOVA显示,总分子差异的65.3%可归因于两个范围之间的区域差异。主坐标分析和聚类分析在个人或人口级别将有组织的食肉动物分为两个排他的组,每个组分别对应于两个分离范围之一。结果不支持以人类为媒介的远距离传播事件作为巴西双足类动物分布的合理起源的假设,但表明地理隔离是不同范围人群之间遗传交流和连通性的长期障碍。讨论了保护意义。



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