首页> 外文期刊>Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: Journal of the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society >Atmospheric helium isotope ratio: Possible temporal and spatial variations

Atmospheric helium isotope ratio: Possible temporal and spatial variations


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The atmospheric ~3He/~4He ratio has been considered to be constant on a global scale, because the residence time of helium is significantly longer than the mixing time in the atmosphere. However, this ratio may be decreasing with time owing to the anthropogenic release of crustal helium from oil and natural gas wells, although this observation has been disputed. Here, we present the ~3He/~4He ratios of old air trapped in historical slags in Japan and of modern surface air samples collected at various sites around the world, measured with a newly developed analytical system. In air helium extracted from metallurgical slag found at refineries in operation between AD 1603 and 1907 in Japan, we determined a mean ~3He/~4He ratio of (5106±108)×10~(-5)R_(HESJ) (where R_(HESJ) is the ~3He/~4He ratio of the Helium Standard of Japan), which is consistent with the previously reported value of (5077±59)×10~(-5)R_(HESJ) for historical slags in France and United Arab Emirates and about 4% higher than that of average modern air, (4901±4)×10~(-5)R_(HESJ). This result implies that the air ~3He/~4He ratio has decreased with time as expected by anthropogenic causes. Our modern surface air samples revealed that the ~3He/~4He ratio increases from north to south at a rate of (0.16±0.08)×10~(-5)R_(HESJ)/degree of latitude, suggesting that the low ~3He/~4He ratio originates in high-latitude regions of the northern hemisphere, which is consistent with the fact that most fossil fuel is extracted and consumed in the northern hemisphere.
机译:大气中〜3He /〜4He之比在全球范围内被认为是恒定的,因为氦气的停留时间明显长于大气中的混合时间。但是,由于人为地从石油和天然气井中释放出地壳氦,该比例可能会随着时间的推移而降低,尽管这一观察结果存在争议。在这里,我们介绍了使用新开发的分析系统测量的日本历史炉渣中捕获的旧空气的〜3He /〜4He比以及在世界各地采集的现代地面空气样本的〜3He /〜4He比。在日本公元1603年至1907年之间的炼油厂从冶金渣中提取的空气氦中,我们确定了〜3He /〜4He平均比为(5106±108)×10〜(-5)R_(HESJ)(其中R_ (HESJ)是日本氦气标准的〜3He /〜4He比),与先前报道的法国和法国历史炉渣的(5077±59)×10〜(-5)R_(HESJ)值一致阿拉伯联合酋长国,比现代平均空气(4901±4)×10〜(-5)R_(HESJ)高约4%。结果表明,人为原因导致空气中〜3He /〜4He的比率随时间降低。我们的现代地面空气样本显示〜3He /〜4He比率从北向南以(0.16±0.08)×10〜(-5)R_(HESJ)/纬度的比率增加,表明〜3He低/〜4He比率起源于北半球的高纬度地区,这与大多数化石燃料在北半球被提取和消耗的事实是一致的。



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