首页> 外文期刊>Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: Journal of the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society >Dissolution of uranyl microprecipitates in subsurface sediments at Hanford site, USA

Dissolution of uranyl microprecipitates in subsurface sediments at Hanford site, USA


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The dissolution of uranium was investigated from contaminated sediments obtained at the US. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) Hanford site. The uranium existed in the sediments as uranyl silicate microprecipitates in fractures, cleavages, and cavities within sediment grains. Uranium dissolution was studied in Na, Na-Ca, and NH4 electrolytes with pH ranging from 7.0 to 9.5 under ambient CO, pressure. The rate and extent of uranium dissolution was influenced by uranyl mineral solubility, carbonate concentration, and mass transfer rate from intraparticle regions. Dissolved uranium concentration reached constant values within a month in electrolytes below pH 8.2, whereas concentrations continued to rise for over 200 d at pH 9.0 and above. The steady-state concentrations were consistent with the solubility of Na-boltwoodite and/or uranophane, which exhibit similar solubility under the experimental conditions. The uranium dissolution rate increased with increasing carbonate concentration, and was initially fast. It decreased with time as solubility equilibrium was attained, or dissolution kinetics or mass transfer rate from intraparticle regions became rate-limiting. Microscopic observations indicated that uranium precipitates were distributed in intragrain microfractures with variable sizes and connectivity to particle surfaces. Laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopic change of the uranyl microprecipitates was negligible during the long-term equilibration, indicating that uranyl speciation was not changed by dissolution. A kinetic model that incorporated mineral dissolution kinetics and grain-scale, fracture-matrix diffusion was developed to describe uranium release rate from the sediment. Model calculations indicated that 50-95% of the precipitated uranium was associated with fractures that were in close contact with the aqueous phase. The remainder of the uranium was deeply imbedded in particle interiors and exhibited effective diffusivities that were over three orders of magnitude lower than those in the fractures. Copyright (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd.
机译:从美国获得的受污染沉积物中调查了铀的溶解情况。能源部(美国DOE)汉福德工厂。铀存在于沉积物中,是硅酸铀酰微沉淀在沉积物晶粒内的裂缝,劈裂和空洞中。在环境CO压力下,在pH范围为7.0至9.5的Na,Na-Ca和NH4电解质中研究了铀的溶解。铀溶解的速率和程度受铀基矿物溶解度,碳酸盐浓度和颗粒内区域传质速率的影响。在pH 8.2以下的电解质中,溶解铀的浓度在一个月内达到恒定值,而在pH 9.0及以上时,铀的浓度持续升高超过200 d。稳态浓度与Na-boltwoodite和/或uranophane的溶解度一致,在实验条件下显示出相似的溶解度。铀的溶解速度随着碳酸盐浓度的增加而增加,并且最初是很快的。随着溶解度平衡的达到,其随时间降低,或者从颗粒内区域的溶解动力学或传质速率受到限制。显微镜观察表明,铀沉淀物分布在晶粒内的微裂缝中,具有不同的大小和与颗粒表面的连通性。在长期平衡过程中,激光诱导的铀酰微沉淀的荧光光谱变化可忽略不计,这表明铀酰形态不会因溶解而改变。建立了结合矿物溶解动力学和晶粒度,断裂矩阵扩散的动力学模型来描述铀从沉积物中的释放速率。模型计算表明,沉淀的铀中有50%至95%与与水相紧密接触的裂缝有关。其余的铀深埋于颗粒内部,并表现出比裂缝低三个数量级的有效扩散率。版权所有(C)2004 Elsevier Ltd.



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