首页> 外文期刊>Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: Journal of the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society >Extinct Be-10 in type a calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions from CV chondrites

Extinct Be-10 in type a calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions from CV chondrites


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We have found clear evidence of live Be-10 in five normal Type A Calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs), one normal Type B CAI, and one FUN Type A CAI, all from CV3 chondrites. The (Be-10/Be-9)(0) ratios range from similar to0.36 X 10(-3) to similar to0.77 X 10(-3) and are similar to those found by previous workers. The (Be-10/Be-9)(0) ratios do not correlate in a temporal fashion with (Al-26/Al-27)(0), suggesting that Be-10 and Al-26 were produced by different mechanisms. An examination of possible sources for the short-lived radionuclides indicates that production of Be-10 was almost certainly by particle irradiation, possibly within the solar system, and was probably accompanied by significant production of Ca-41 and Mn-53. In contrast, all of the Fe-60, most of the Al-26, and some of the Mn-53 were probably produced in stars and were imported into the solar system within presolar dust grains. Copyright (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. [References: 55]
机译:我们已经找到了五种正常的A型钙-铝富集夹杂物,一种正常的B型CAI和一种FUN的A型CAI中活着的Be-10的明确证据,所有这些都来自CV3球粒陨石。 (Be-10 / Be-9)(0)的比率范围从相似的0.36 X 10(-3)到相似的0.77 X 10(-3),与以前的工人发现的相似。 (Be-10 / Be-9)(0)的比率与(Al-26 / Al-27)(0)在时间上不相关,这表明Be-10和Al-26的产生机理不同。对短寿命放射性核素可能来源的检查表明,Be-10的产生几乎可以肯定是通过粒子辐照产生的,可能在太阳系内,并且可能伴随着Ca-41和Mn-53的大量产生。相反,所有的Fe-60,大多数的Al-26和某些的Mn-53可能是恒星产生的,并被输入太阳系中的前太阳尘埃颗粒中。版权所有(C)2003 Elsevier Ltd. [引用:55]



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