首页> 外文期刊>Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: Journal of the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society >Mantle, crustal and atmospheric noble gases in Ailaoshan Gold deposits, Yunnan Province, China

Mantle, crustal and atmospheric noble gases in Ailaoshan Gold deposits, Yunnan Province, China


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Helium and argon isotopic and elemental compositions of fluids released by crushing pyrite grains are reported from the Ailaoshan Gold Province, China. The province is a series of gold deposits hosted on a 200-km segment of a major normal fault formed during Eocene extension. The deposits have been well characterised using conventional geochemical and microthermometric techniques, the results of which are consistent with a predominantly high temperature "magmatic" fluid present in the ore minerals. In contrast, analyses of noble gases from three gold deposits demonstrate the palaeofluids were a mixture between a mantle-derived, magmatic fluid and two different low temperature fluids similar to modern groundwaters. The specific isotopic and abundance characteristics of helium and argon allow unequivocal identification of both a mantle-derived component and a surface-derived component to these fluids. The magmatic fluid dominates deposits from the northern end of the fault. The second groundwater is present only in deposits in the south of the province. By assuming fluid inclusion homogenisation temperatures in coexisting quartz are representative of fluid temperature, ~3He/heat ratios can be estimated. The ~3He/heat ratios vary systematically along the fault, from approx = 30 * 10~(-12) cm~3 STP J~(-1) in the northern deposits to <0.6 * 10~(-12) cm~3 STP J~(-1) in the south, reflecting a major change in heat and fluid flow. Noble gas and heat compositions are consistent with direct injection of magmatic volatiles into hydrothermal fluids at the northern end of the fault. However, the flow regime clearly changed along the fault. There appears to be little or no direct input of magmatic volatiles in the south. It is likely that heat was introduced into the hydrothermal system by diffusion into low enthalpy, high He-concentration groundwater.
机译:据报道,中国哀牢山黄金省通过粉碎黄铁矿晶粒释放出的氦,氩同位素和流体元素组成。该省是一系列始于始新世伸展的主要正断层的200公里段上的金矿床。使用常规的地球化学和微量热分析技术已经对矿床进行了很好的表征,其结果与矿石矿物中存在的主要高温“岩浆”流体是一致的。相反,对来自三个金矿床的稀有气体的分析表明,古流体是地幔衍生的岩浆流体与类似于现代地下水的两种不同的低温流体之间的混合物。氦和氩的特定同位素和丰度特性可以明确地识别出这些流体的地幔衍生成分和表面衍生成分。岩浆流体控制着断层北端的沉积物。第二个地下水仅存在于该省南部的沉积物中。通过假设共存石英中的流体夹杂物均质温度代表流体温度,可以估算〜3He /热比。 〜3He /热比沿断层有系统地变化,从北部矿床的大约= 30 * 10〜(-12)cm〜3 STP J〜(-1)到<0.6 * 10〜(-12)cm〜3南部的STP J〜(-1)反映了热量和流体流量的重大变化。惰性气体和热量的组成与在断层北端将岩浆挥发物直接注入热液中相一致。但是,沿断层的流动状态显然发生了变化。在南部似乎很少或没有岩浆挥发物的直接输入。热量很可能是通过扩散到低焓高He浓度的地下水中而引入水热系统的。



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