首页> 外文期刊>Expert opinion on biological therapy >INGN-225: a dendritic cell-based p53 vaccine (Ad.p53-DC) in small cell lung cancer: observed association between immune response and enhanced chemotherapy effect.

INGN-225: a dendritic cell-based p53 vaccine (Ad.p53-DC) in small cell lung cancer: observed association between immune response and enhanced chemotherapy effect.


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IMPORTANCE OF THE FIELD: Novel approaches are needed for patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC), as response after relapse is poor with standard therapies. p53 gene mutations often occur, resulting in tumoral protein overexpression and allowing for their recognition by p53-specific cytotoxic T cells. AREAS COVERED IN THIS REVIEW: We describe the characteristics and manufacturing of INGN-225, a p53-modified adenovirus-tranduced dendritic cell vaccine, and review available data, to understand INGN-225's role in SCLC treatment. We discuss our pre-clinical, early Phase I/II, and ongoing randomized Phase II studies. WHAT THE READER WILL GAIN: INGN-225 was well tolerated (all toxicities
机译:领域的重要性:小细胞肺癌(SCLC)患者需要新颖的方法,因为标准疗法在复发后的反应较差。 p53基因突变经常发生,导致肿瘤蛋白过度表达并被p53特异性细胞毒性T细胞识别。本文涵盖的领域:我们描述了INGN-225的特性和生产,这是一种p53修饰的腺病毒转导的树突状细胞疫苗,并回顾了可用数据,以了解INGN-225在SCLC治疗中的作用。我们讨论了临床前,I / II期早期以及正在进行的随机II期研究。读者所能获得的益处:INGN-225在I / II期试验(54例接受至少1剂治疗)的患者中具有良好的耐受性(所有毒性均≤2级)。在18/43(41.8%)患者中,特异性抗p53免疫反应为阳性,在17/33(51.5%)中观察到了整体INGN-225后反应,在29(14阳性,15阴性)中获得了免疫反应数据。分别在11/14(78.6%)和5/15(33%)免疫应答为阳性和阴性的患者中观察到INGN-225应答。温馨提示:INGN-225是安全的,可诱导明显的免疫反应,并且似乎使SCLC对随后的化疗敏感。免疫应答诱导的改善以及对化学疗法与免疫疗法的协同作用的了解将决定INGN-225作为抗癌疗法的未来作用。



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