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Physical exertion at work during pregnancy did not increase risk of preterm delivery or fetal growth restriction


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Maria, 28 years old, is concerned that her work could affect her unborn baby. She is at 28 weeks of gestation. She has been a school cleaner for 4 years. She has 2 healthy children, aged 5 and 3 years, but her younger child was born at 35 weeks and was borderline for size at that gestational age. She works 35 hours/week, rotating day and evening shifts. There has been no problem with the pregnancy. At work, she stands and walks continuously, lifts vacuum cleaners or buckets weighing 10 kg about 15 times per shift, and mops and scrubs manually for half of each shift. Her husband has a back problem and is off work. At home she does all the housework and gets to bed by 1 am. She is of average height and weight and does not smoke. Certain limitations of the study by Pompeii et al restrict its applicability. Only 53% of the eligible cohort participated fully. Exposure data were gathered for the 2 longest held jobs but not for all jobs and not for unpaid work. Full quantification of the exposures was done for only a minority of women near the end of the study; for the remainder, exposures were estimated. For lifting, the cut point of >=13 times/week is low for interpreting the jobs of many workers. Apart from lifting, manual work was not studied. The study did not consider shift work, making it difficult to interpret the observed effect of night work. On the other hand, the study's prospective design is a strength in that women were asked about work while they were still pregnant.One should also consider previous good quality cohort studies on this topic.Although results have been conflicting, some evidence exists of adverse effects of working conditions on obstetrical outcomes; however, relative risks are not likely to exceed 2.Although her prior history of preterm delivery increases the risk of recurrence, Maria should be advised (based on combined evidence from good quality studies) that the possible effects of physical exertion in her work (and unpaid work) need to be balanced with those that could be associated with a drop in income (and change in socioeconomic status) if she stopped doing her regular work.
机译:28岁的玛丽亚(Maria)担心她的工作可能会影响未出生的婴儿。她正在妊娠28周。她已经做学校清洁工已有4年了。她有2个健康的孩子,分别为5岁和3岁,但是她的小孩子出生在35周,在那个胎龄时身高处于临界点。她每周工作35个小时,每天轮换上夜班。怀孕没有问题。在工作中,她会连续站立和行走,每次轮班提起10公斤重的真空吸尘器或水桶约15次,每次轮班的一半都要手动拖把和擦洗。她的丈夫有背部问题,下班了。她在家做所有的家务活,并在凌晨1点上床睡觉。她的身高和体重平均,不抽烟。庞贝等人研究的某些局限性限制了其适用性。只有53%的合格队列完全参与。收集了两个时间最长的职位的曝光数据,但不是所有的职位,也不是无薪工作。在研究即将结束时,仅对少数妇女进行了暴露的完全定量;对于其余部分,估计暴露量。对于起重而言,> 13倍/周的切入点对于解释许多工人的工作而言是较低的。除了起重之外,没有研究手工作业。该研究没有考虑轮班工作,因此很难解释夜班工作的效果。另一方面,这项研究的前瞻性设计的优势在于,可以向女性询问仍然怀孕的工作情况。人们还应该考虑以前就该主题进行的高质量队列研究。尽管结果存在矛盾,但一些证据表明存在不良影响工作条件对产科结局的影响;但是,相对风险不太可能超过2。尽管她先前的早产史会增加复发的风险,但应该建议玛丽亚(基于高质量研究的综合证据),身体活动可能会对她的工作产生影响(以及如果她停止从事常规工作,则需要与可能与收入下降(以及社会经济地位改变)相关的因素进行权衡。



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