首页> 外文期刊>General Relativity and Gravitation: GRG Journal >A class of LQC-inspired models for homogeneous, anisotropic cosmology in higher dimensional early universe

A class of LQC-inspired models for homogeneous, anisotropic cosmology in higher dimensional early universe


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The dynamics of a (3 + 1) dimensional homogeneous anisotropic universe is modified by loop quantum cosmology and, consequently, it has generically a big bounce in the past instead of a big-bang singularity. This modified dynamics can be well described by effective equations of motion. We generalise these effective equations of motion empirically to (d + 1) dimensions. The generalised equations involve two functions and may be considered as a class of LQC-inspired models for (d + 1) dimensional early universe cosmology. As a special case, one can now obtain a universe which has neither a big bang singularity nor a big bounce but approaches asymptotically a 'Hagedorn like' phase in the past where its density and volume remain constant. In a few special cases, we also obtain explicit solutions.
机译:(3 + 1)维均匀各向异性宇宙的动力学通过环量子宇宙学进行了修改,因此,过去通常具有较大的弹跳而不是巨大的奇点。修改后的动力学可以通过有效的运动方程很好地描述。我们根据经验将这些有效的运动方程式推广到(d +1)维。广义方程涉及两个函数,可以视为一维受LQC启发的模型,用于(d + 1)维早期宇宙宇宙学。作为一种特殊情况,现在可以获得一个既不具有大爆炸奇异性也不具有大弹跳性,但在过去其密度和体积保持恒定的渐近接近“ Hagedorn样”相的宇宙。在一些特殊情况下,我们还获得了明确的解决方案。



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