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Dynamics of avian ovarian follicle development: cellular mechanisms of granulosa cell differentiation.


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In vertebrate species that ovulate one or a limited number of ovarian follicles per reproductive cycle, the cellular processes by which follicle selection (cyclic recruitment) is mediated and final differentiation is initiated remain largely unknown. In the hen ovary, the selection of a single follicle into the preovulatory hierarchy on an approximate daily basis occurs from a small cohort of prehierarchal follicles measuring approximately 6- to 8-mm in diameter. Given that the granulosa layer undergoes a dramatic alteration in phenotype subsequent to follicle selection, of particular interest are the cell signaling and associated transcriptional mechanisms that regulate this transition. Recent studies suggest that granulosa cells from prehierarchal follicles are normally maintained in an undifferentiated state by inhibitory MAP kinase (MAPK) signaling mediated by epidermal growth factor receptor ligands (EGFRLs). One of the earliest markers for differentiating granulosa cells is elevated expression of FSH receptor (fshr) mRNA and enhanced FSH-induced cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) production. EGFRL/MAPK signaling is proposed to inhibit fshr transcription via its ability to induce Inhibitor of differentiation/DNA binding (Id) protein isoforms, Id1, Id3 and Id4. Subsequent to follicle selection, cAMP-induced Id2 expression is considered both sufficient and necessary for fshr transcription. Two working models are proposed which predict that enhanced FSHR expression and the progression of granulosa cell differentiation occurs as a result of a decline in MAPK signaling from within granulosa cells (internal model for differentiation) and/or elevated cAMP signaling promoted by an endocrine, neuroendocrine or neuronal factor (external model).
机译:在每个生殖周期排卵一个或数量有限的卵泡的脊椎动物中,介导卵泡选择(循环募集)并开始最终分化的细胞过程仍然未知。在母鸡卵巢中,大约每天从一个小队列的前卵泡直径约为6至8毫米的选择中,将单个卵泡选择进入排卵前的层次。考虑到卵泡选择后颗粒层的表型发生了显着变化,特别令人感兴趣的是调节这种转变的细胞信号传导和相关的转录机制。最近的研究表明,通过表皮生长因子受体配体(EGFRLs)介导的抑制性MAP激酶(MAPK)信号传导,正常情况下,来自前层卵泡的颗粒细胞通常保持未分化状态。分化颗粒细胞的最早标志之一是FSH受体(fshr)mRNA的表达升高和FSH诱导的环磷酸一腺苷(cAMP)产生的增强。有人建议通过EGFRL / MAPK信号传导诱导分化/ DNA结合抑制因子(Id)的蛋白质同种型Id1,Id3和Id4抑制fshr转录。卵泡选择后,cAMP诱导的Id2表达被认为既是fshr转录的充分也是必要的。提出了两个工作模型,这些模型预测由于颗粒细胞内部MAPK信号下降(分化的内部模型)和/或内分泌,神经内分泌促进的cAMP信号升高,导致FSHR表达增强和颗粒细胞分化进展或神经元因素(外部模型)。



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