首页> 外文期刊>Burns: Including Thermal Injury >Early enteral feeding for burned patients-An effective method which should be encouraged in developing countries.

Early enteral feeding for burned patients-An effective method which should be encouraged in developing countries.


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A randomized control trial was conducted to investigate impact of early enteral feeding on immune, metabolic aspects and outcomes of 82 severe burned patients admitting to National Institute of Burns, Hanoi, Vietnam from November 2003 to November 2004. Fourty-one patients were in early enteral group and 41 patients were in total parenteral nutrition group. Blood samples were collected at admission and 7th day postburn to determine plasma level of IgG, IgM, insulin, corrtisol and blood absolute number of TCD4, TCD8. Intestinal chyme was drawn through a weighted feeding tube to determine intestinal secreted IgA. Results showed that, at the 7th day after burn, both humoral and cellular immunology recovered faster in enteral nutrition group as compared to total parenteral group (p<0.05). In the early enteral nutrition group, after 1 week, plasma concentration of cortisol decreased from 599.70 to 437nmol/l and that of insulin increased from 12.07 to 30.34mumol/ml. Vice versa, in the control group the changewas in the reverse direction (p<0.01). Overall complication decreased in the enteral nutrition group in comparison with parenteral group. Finally, mortality was significantly lower in early enteral nutrition group as compared to the parenteral group (14.65% and 36.58%, respectively). In conclusion, early enteral nutrition after burn has positive effects on immune and metabolic function, and reduces complication as well as death rate.
机译:进行了一项随机对照试验,以调查早期肠内进食对2003年11月至2004年11月进入越南河内国立烧伤研究所的82名严重烧伤患者的免疫,代谢状况和预后的影响。41例患者处于早期肠内组,全肠外营养组41例。在入院时和烧伤后第7天收集血样,以确定IgG,IgM,胰岛素,皮质醇的血浆水平以及TCD4,TCD8的血液绝对数。通过称重的饲管抽取肠食糜,以确定肠分泌的IgA。结果表明,肠内营养组在烧伤后第7天的体液免疫和细胞免疫学均比全肠胃外注射的恢复快(p <0.05)。早期肠内营养组在1周后,皮质醇的血浆浓度从599.70降至437nmol / l,胰岛素的血浆浓度从12.07升高至30.34μmol/ ml。反之亦然,在对照组中,变化是相反的(p <0.01)。与肠胃外给药组相比,肠内营养组的总体并发症减少。最后,早期肠内营养组的死亡率比肠胃外组低得多(分别为14.65%和36.58%)。总之,烧伤后早期肠内营养对免疫和代谢功能有积极作用,并能减少并发症和死亡率。



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