首页> 外文期刊>European journal of ophthalmology >Alterations in antithrombin III activity and other blood coagulation parameters after retinal detachment surgery.

Alterations in antithrombin III activity and other blood coagulation parameters after retinal detachment surgery.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate perioperative changes in blood coagulation in patients undergoing retinal detachment surgery. MATERIALS: Prospective study of 56 patients, aged from 19 to 82 (mean +/- S.D. 53 +/- 16.8) years, undergoing retinal detachment surgery (encirclement with scleral buckling) under general anesthesia. Excluded were patients with venous or arterial disease and any other factors that could affect the parameters under consideration. METHODS: Blood was sampled from the cubital vein one day before surgery, immediately after induction of anesthesia but before surgery, immediately after completion of the operation but before the termination of anesthesia and on days 1 and 4 after the operation. We measured antithrombin III activity (AT III), platelet count, fibrinogen concentration, activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and prothrombin time (PT). RESULTS: Intraoperative AT III activity and platelet count were significantly lower, aPTT was shortened and PT prolonged, although all values remained within the normal range. These results indicate moderate activation of coagulation during retinal detachment surgery. On the first postoperative day coagulation activity was reduced, with increases in AT III activity, fibrinogen concentration and platelet count and prolongation of aPTT. CONCLUSIONS: During retinal detachment surgery there is moderate activation of coagulation in the systemic circulation.
机译:目的:评估接受视网膜脱离手术的患者围手术期凝血的变化。材料:前瞻性研究56例年龄在19至82岁(平均+/- S.D. 53 +/- 16.8)岁的患者在全身麻醉下接受了视网膜脱离手术(伴有巩膜屈曲)。排除患有静脉或动脉疾病以及可能影响所考虑参数的任何其他因素的患者。方法:在手术前一日,麻醉诱导后立即,手术前,手术结束后立即但在麻醉终止前以及手术后第1和第4天从肘静脉取血。我们测量了抗凝血酶III活性(AT III),血小板计数,纤维蛋白原浓度,活化的部分凝血活酶时间(aPTT)和凝血酶原时间(PT)。结果:术中AT III活性和血小板计数明显降低,aPTT缩短,PT延长,尽管所有值均保持在正常范围内。这些结果表明在视网膜脱离手术期间凝血的中等激活。术后第一天,凝血活性降低,AT III活性,纤维蛋白原浓度和血小板计数增加,aPTT延长。结论:在视网膜脱离手术过程中,全身循环中的凝血有中等程度的激活。



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