首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society >An overview of a new chinese weather satellite FY3A

An overview of a new chinese weather satellite FY3A


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Meteoroiogical satellites have become an ir-replaceable weather and ocean observing tool in China. These satellites are used to monitor natural disasters and improve the efficiency of many sectors of our national economy. It is impossible to ignore the space-derived data in the fields of meteorology, hydrology, and agriculture, as well as disaster monitoring in China, a large agricultural country. For this reason, China is making a sustained effort to build and enhance its meteorological observing system and application system. The first Chinese polar-orbiting weather satellite Feng-Yun (FY-1A) was launched in 1988. Since then China has launched 10 meteorological satellites, 5 (FY-1A/B/C/D and FY-3A) of which are sun synchronous and 5 of which (FY-2A/B/C/D/E) of which are geostationary satellites; China will continue its two types of meteorological satellite programs. A low-inclination orbit satellite is planned, mainly for precipitation measurements (mainly radar and passive microwave measurements).
机译:气象卫星已成为中国不可替代的天气和海洋观测工具。这些卫星用于监测自然灾害并提高国民经济许多部门的效率。在一个农业大国的中国,在气象,水文学,农业以及灾害监测领域中,无法忽略空间数据。因此,中国正在作出持续的努力,以建立和完善其气象观测系统和应用系统。中国第一颗极轨气象卫星风云(FY-1A)于1988年发射。此后,中国发射了10颗气象卫星,其中5颗(FY-1A / B / C / D和FY-3A)为太阳同步卫星,其中5颗(FY-2A / B / C / D / E)是对地静止卫星;中国将继续实施两种气象卫星计划。计划了低倾角轨道卫星,主要用于降水测量(主要是雷达和无源微波测量)。



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