首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Operational Research >Tree, web and average web values for cycle-free directed graph games ☆

Tree, web and average web values for cycle-free directed graph games ☆


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On the class of cycle-free directed graph games with transferable utility solution concepts, called web values, are introduced axiomatically, each one with respect to a chosen coalition of players that is assumed to be an anti-chain in the directed graph and is considered as a management team. We provide their explicit formula representation and simple recursive algorithms to calculate them. Additionally the efficiency and stability of web values are studied. Web values may be considered as natural extensions of the tree and sink values as has been defined correspondingly for rooted and sink forest graph games. In case the management team consists of all sources (sinks) in the graph a kind of tree (sink) value is obtained. In general, at a web value each player receives the worth of this player together with his subordinates minus the total worths of these subordinates. It implies that every coalition of players consisting of a player with all his subordinates receives precisely its worth. We also define the average web value as the average of web values over all management teams in the graph. As application the water distribution problem of a river with multiple sources, a delta and possibly islands is considered.
机译:在具有周期的无循环有向图游戏中,公理地介绍了具有可转让效用解决方案的概念(称为Web值),每个游戏都与选定的玩家联盟有关,该联盟被认为是有向图中的反链,并被视为作为管理团队。我们提供它们的显式公式表示形式和简单的递归算法来计算它们。此外,还研究了网络价值的效率和稳定性。 Web值可被视为树和汇值的自然扩展,如针对有根和汇森林图游戏已相应定义的。如果管理团队由图中的所有源(汇)组成,则将获得一种树(汇)值。一般而言,每个球员的网络价值都等于该球员的价值及其下属减去这些下属的总价值。这意味着由一个球员及其下属组成的每个球员联盟都将获得其真正的​​价值。我们还将平均Web值定义为图中所有管理团队的Web值的平均值。作为应用,考虑了具有多个水源,三角洲和可能的岛屿的河流的水分配问题。



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