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The most spectacular rond-point in England? - The restoration of part of Charles Bridgeman's design for Tring Park, Hertfordshire

机译:英格兰最壮观的风向标? -修复查特·布里奇曼(Charles Bridgeman)为赫特福德郡特林公园(Tring Park)设计的一部分

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In March 201 I I received an email from the Woodland Trust inviting the Hertfordshire Gardens Trust to write a restoration plan forTring Park. This plan was a requirement for the bid they were making to the Heritage Lottery Fund, in partnershipwith Tring Museum, to gain funding for a project to increase awareness of what both the museum and Tring Park had to offer for the inhabitants of Tring and the surrounding villages, and for visitors to the area.Tring Park had become physically divorced from the town in the 1970s when the A41 Tring bypass was constructed. Although a pedestrian bridge had been provided over the road, the footpath linking the town to the bridge was so inconspicuous that many people were unaware of it and the park began tofade from local memory.
机译:201年3月,我收到了伍德兰信托基金会(Woodland Trust)的一封电子邮件,邀请赫特福德郡花园信托基金会(Hertfordshire Gardens Trust)为Tring Park撰写修复计划。该计划是他们与Tring博物馆合作向Heritage Lottery Fund进行竞标的一项要求,以为一个项目筹集资金,以提高人们对博物馆和Tring公园必须为T​​ring及其周围居民提供的认识1970年代,当建造A41 Tring绕行公路时,Tring公园已与该镇实际脱离。尽管在道路上设置了人行天桥,但连接城镇与桥梁的人行道却不那么引人注目,以至于许多人不知道它,公园开始从当地记忆中消失。



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