首页> 外文期刊>Gene: An International Journal Focusing on Gene Cloning and Gene Structure and Function >Heterologous expression of antifreeze protein gene AnAFP from Ammopiptanthus nanus enhances cold tolerance in Escherichia coli and tobacco

Heterologous expression of antifreeze protein gene AnAFP from Ammopiptanthus nanus enhances cold tolerance in Escherichia coli and tobacco


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Antifreeze proteins are a class of polypeptides produced by certain animals, plants, fungi and bacteria that permit their survival under the subzero environments. Ammopiptanthus nanus is the unique evergreen broadleaf bush endemic to the Mid-Asia deserts. It survives at the west edge of the Tarim Basin from the disappearance of the ancient Mediterranean in the Tertiary Period. Its distribution region is characterized by the arid climate and extreme temperatures, where the extreme temperatures range from - 30. °C to 40. °C. In the present study, the antifreeze protein gene AnAFP of A. nanus was used to transform Escherichia coli and tobacco, after bioinformatics analysis for its possible function. The transformed E. coli strain expressed the heterologous AnAFP gene under the induction of isopropyl β- D-thiogalactopyranoside, and demonstrated significant enhancement of cold tolerance. The transformed tobacco lines expressed the heterologous AnAFP gene in response to cold stress, and showed a less change of relative electrical conductivity under cold stress, and a less wilting phenotype after 16. h of - 3. °C cold stress and thawing for 1. h than the untransformed wild-type plants. All these results imply the potential value of the AnAFP gene to be used in genetic modification of commercially important crops for improvement of cold tolerance.
机译:抗冻蛋白是某些动物,植物,真菌和细菌产生的一类多肽,可使其在零以下的环境中生存。 Ammopiptanthus nanus是中亚沙漠特有的独特常绿阔叶灌木。在第三纪古地中海的消失之后,它在塔里木盆地的西边缘幸存下来。其分布区域以干旱气候和极端温度为特征,极端温度范围为-30.°C至40.°C。在本研究中,经过生物信息学分析可能的功能后,将南极拟南芥的抗冻蛋白基因AnAFP用于转化大肠杆菌和烟草。转化的大肠杆菌菌株在异丙基β-D-硫代吡喃半乳糖吡喃糖苷的诱导下表达异源AnAFP基因,并显示出明显的耐寒性增强。转化的烟草系响应冷胁迫而表达异源AnAFP基因,并且在冷胁迫下显示相对较少的相对电导率变化,并且在-3°C的冷胁迫下16. h后融化表型较少,并且融化1。 h比未转化的野生型植物。所有这些结果暗示了AnAFP基因在提高重要耐寒性的商业化重要农作物的遗传修饰中的潜在价值。



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