首页> 外文期刊>Burns: Including Thermal Injury >Snapshot assessment of RNA-expression in severely burned patients using the PAXgenetrade mark Blood RNA System: A pilot study.

Snapshot assessment of RNA-expression in severely burned patients using the PAXgenetrade mark Blood RNA System: A pilot study.

机译:使用PAXgenetrade mark血液RNA系统对严重烧伤患者的RNA表达进行快照评估:一项初步研究。

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Severe burn induces destabilization of the immune system and the likelihood of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Current studies focus on RNA-expression analyses of immune system cells, however, the present methods of analysis are complex, potentially altered by artefacts and therefore not feasible for routine analyses. The new PAXgenetrade mark Blood RNA System provides "snapshot" analysis of RNA by immediate cell lysis and prevention of RNA-degradation. Using this system the aim of this study was to analyse intracellular cytokine RNA-expression under clinical conditions. Whole blood samples (PAXgenetrade mark tubes) of nine severely burned patients were drawn at admission and 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72h after trauma during routine treatment. Four healthy individuals served as control. Analysis of RNA-expression of TNF-alpha as pro-inflammatory and IL-10 as anti-inflammatory mediator was performed by RT-PCR. The RNA-expression of TNF-alpha was increased at 72h after burn. The increase occurred mainly in surviving patients. In contrast, RNA-expression of IL-10 was elevated already at 24h and the difference between surviving and deceased patients occurred earlier. We demonstrate for the first time a "snapshot" analysis of cytokine RNA-expression in severely burned patients under routine conditions. The results correspond well to current hypothesis of posttraumatic MODS development.
机译:严重烧伤会导致免疫系统不稳定,并可能导致多器官功能障碍综合症。当前的研究集中在免疫系统细胞的RNA表达分析上,但是,目前的分析方法很复杂,可能会因伪影而改变,因此对于常规分析不可行。新的PAXgenetrade商标Blood RNA System通过即时细胞裂解和防止RNA降解提供“快照”分析。使用该系统的目的是分析临床条件下细胞内细胞因子RNA的表达。在入院时以及在常规治疗期间的创伤后第6、12、24、48和72h抽取9名严重烧伤患者的全血样品(PAXgene商标管)。四个健康个体作为对照。通过RT-PCR分析作为促炎介质的TNF-α和作为抗炎介质的IL-10的RNA表达。烧伤后72h,TNF-α的RNA表达增加。增加主要发生在幸存的患者中。相反,IL-10的RNA表达已经在24h升高,并且存活患者和死亡患者之间的差异较早发生。我们首次展示了在常规条件下严重烧伤患者中细胞因子RNA表达的“快照”分析。结果与创伤后MODS发展的当前假说非常吻合。



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