
Secret salvias


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There are still plenty of lesser-knoiun varieties of sage to surprise and delight even the most, seasoned gardener. Chances are you're already acquainted with several members of the salvia family You've probably grown the soft-leaved culinary sages, the bright-flowered bedding salvias, the reliable perennials nemorosa and X sylvestris. And, in recent years, perhaps like me, you've been seducedby the large, intensely blue blooms of patens. All fantastic performers but did you knowthere's a whole worldof lessei-known salivas out there just waiting for you to try them? They come in a vast range of flower shapes, sizes and colours, have long blooming seasons, are drought tolerant and resistant to pests and diseases. Plus they're loved by butterflies and bees, who feed on their nectar and pollen, while birds, like goldfinches, adore the seeds. With all this going for them it's surprising they've stayed a secret for so long.
机译:仍然有很多不为人知的贤哲品种,即使是最有经验的园丁也能感到惊喜。您可能已经熟悉丹参家族的几位成员。您可能已经种植了软叶鼠尾草,鲜艳的床上用品丹参,可靠的多年生nemorosa和X sylvestris。而且,近年来,也许像我一样,您被浓密的蓝色彭定康鲜花所吸引。所有出色的表演者,但是您是否知道那里有一个鲜为人知的唾液,等待您尝试呢?它们有各种各样的花形,大小和颜色,开花季节长,耐干旱,抗病虫害。此外,它们还受到蝴蝶和蜜蜂的喜爱,它们以花蜜和花粉为食,而鸟类(如金翅雀)则喜欢种子。有了这些,对他们来说,这么久以来一直保持秘密是令人惊讶的。



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