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βIII-Tubulin: Biomarker of taxane resistance or drug target?


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Introduction: βIII-Tubulin (TUBB3) is predominantly expressed in neurons of the central and peripheral nervous systems, while in normal non-neoplastic tissues it is barely detectable. By contrast, this cytoskeletal protein is abundant in a wide range of tumors. βIII-Tubulin is linked to dynamic instability of microtubules (MTs), weakening the effects of agents interfering with MT polymerization. Based on this principle, early studies introduced the classical theory linking βIII-tubulin with a mechanism of counteracting taxane activity and accordingly, prompted its investigation as a predictive biomarker of taxane resistance. Areas covered: We reviewed 59 translational studies, including cohorts from lung, ovarian, breast, gastric, colorectal and various miscellaneous cancers subject to different chemotherapy regimens. Expert opinion: βIII-Tubulin functions more as a prognostic factor than as a predictor of response to chemotherapy. We believe this view can be explained by βIII-tubulin's association with prosurvival pathways in the early steps of the metastatic process. Its prognostic response increases if combined with additional biomarkers that regulate its expression, since βIII-tubulin can be expressed in conditions, such as estrogen exposure, unrelated to survival mechanisms and without any predictive activity. Additional avenues for therapeutic intervention could emerge if drugs are designed to directly target βIII-tubulin and its mechanism of regulation.
机译:简介:βIII-管蛋白(TUBB3)主要在中枢和周围神经系统的神经元中表达,而在正常的非肿瘤组织中则几乎检测不到。相比之下,这种细胞骨架蛋白在多种肿瘤中都丰富。 βIII-管蛋白与微管(MT)的动态不稳定性相关,从而削弱了干扰MT聚合的试剂的作用。基于这一原理,早期研究引入了将βIII-微管蛋白与抗紫杉烷活性的机制联系起来的经典理论,并因此促使其作为紫杉烷抗性的预测生物标记物进行研究。涵盖的领域:我们审查了59项转化研究,包括来自肺癌,卵巢癌,乳腺癌,胃癌,结直肠癌和接受不同化疗方案的各种其他癌症的队列研究。专家意见:βIII-管蛋白的作用更多是预后因素,而不是化学反应的预测指标。我们认为,这种观点可以通过βIII-微管蛋白在转移过程早期与生存途径的关联来解释。如果将其与可调节其表达的其他生物标记物结合使用,则其预后反应会增强,因为βIII-微管蛋白可以在诸如雌激素暴露的条件下表达,与生存机制无关,并且没有任何预测活性。如果将药物设计为直接靶向βIII-微管蛋白及其调节机制,则可能会出现更多的治疗干预途径。



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