首页> 外文期刊>Experimental Eye Research >Inductive differentiation of conjunctival goblet cells by y-secretase inhibitor and construction of recombinant conjunctival epithelium

Inductive differentiation of conjunctival goblet cells by y-secretase inhibitor and construction of recombinant conjunctival epithelium


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Y-secretase inhibitor has been shown to promote intestinal goblet cell differentiation. We now demonstrated that the in vitro addition of gamma-secretase inhibitor in the culture of human conjunctival epithelial cells significantly promoted the differentiation of conjunctival goblet cells with typical droplet-like phenotype, positive periodic acid-Schiff and goblet cell-specific Muc5Ac, cytokeratin 7 and Helix pomatia agglutinin lectin staining. Moreover, topical application of gamma-secretase inhibitor promoted the differentiation of mouse conjunctival goblet cells in vivo. Furthermore, the expression of Notch target gene HES-1 was down-regulated during the differentiation of conjunctival goblet cells. In addition, we found that the recombinant conjunctival epithelium on amniotic membrane showed less goblet cell density and abnormal location when compared with normal conjunctival epithelium, which were improved by the addition of y-secretase inhibitor in the final induction.



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