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New developments in the use of peptide gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists versus agonists


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Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) stimulates the pituitary secretion of both luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH),and thus controls the hormonal and reproductive functions of the gonads.The blockade of the effects of GnRH may be sought for a variety of reasons; for example,to control premature LH surges and to reduce the cancellation rate with the aim of improving the pregnancy rate per treatment cycle or in the treatment of sex hormone-dependent disorders.Selective blockade of LH/FSH secretion and subsequent chemical castration have previously been achieved by desensitising the pituitary to continuously administered GnRH or by giving long-acting GnRH agonists.GnRH analogues are indicated for clinical situations in which the suppression of endogenous gonadotropins (precocious puberty,contraception and controlled ovarian hyperstimula-tion) or sexual steroids (endometriosis,prostate hyperplasia,cancer and uterine fibroids) is desired.The immediate suppression of the pituitary that is achieved by GnRH antagonists without an initial stimulatory effect is the main advantage of these compounds over the agonists.GnRH antagonists have been developed for clinical use with acceptable pharmacokinetic,safety and commercial profiles.In assisted reproduction,these compounds seem to be as effective as established therapy,but with shorter treatment times,less use of gonadotropic hormones,improved patient acceptance,and fewer follicles and oocytes.All of the current indications for GnRH agonist desensitisation may prove to be indications for a GnRH antagonist,including endometriosis,leiomyoma and breast cancer in women,benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostatic carcinoma in men,and central precocious puberty in children.However,the best clinical evidence has been in assisted reproduction and prostate cancer.
机译:促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)刺激黄体生成激素(LH)和促卵泡激素(FSH)的垂体分泌,从而控制性腺的荷尔蒙和生殖功能。各种原因;例如,为了控制早产LH激增并降低消除率,目的是提高每个治疗周期的妊娠率或治疗性激素依赖性疾病。以前一直有选择性地阻断LH / FSH分泌并随后进行化学去势可通过垂体对连续给药的GnRH脱敏或给予长效GnRH激动剂来实现.GnRH类似物适用于临床情况,其中抑制内源性促性腺激素(性早熟,避孕和控制性卵巢过度刺激)或性类固醇(子宫内膜异位症,这些化合物相对于激动剂的主要优点是,没有最初的刺激作用的GnRH拮抗剂可立即抑制垂体。GnRH拮抗剂已被开发用于临床,并具有可接受的药代动力学。 ,安全和商业概况。这些化合物似乎与既定疗法一样有效,但是治疗时间更短,促性腺激素的使用更少,患者接受度提高,卵泡和卵母细胞减少。目前所有GnRH激动剂脱敏的适应症都可以证明是GnRH拮抗剂,包括女性子宫内膜异位症,平滑肌瘤和乳腺癌,男性良性前列腺肥大和前列腺癌以及儿童中枢性早熟。然而,最好的临床证据是辅助生殖和前列腺癌。



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