首页> 外文期刊>Experimental Neurology >Influence of urothelial or suburothelial cholinergic receptors on bladder reflexes in chronic spinal cord injured cats

Influence of urothelial or suburothelial cholinergic receptors on bladder reflexes in chronic spinal cord injured cats


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The effects of intravesical administration of a muscarinic receptor agonist (oxotremorine-M, OXO-M) and antagonist (atropine methyl nitrate, AMN) and of a nicotinic receptor agonist (nicotine) and antagonist (hexamethonium, C-6) on reflex bladder activity were investigated in conscious female chronic spinal cord injured (SCI) cats using cystometry. OXO-M (50 mu M) decreased bladder capacity (BC) for triggering micturition contractions, increased maximal micturition pressure (MMP), increased frequency and area under the curve of pre-micturition contractions (PMC-AUC). Nicotine (250 mu M) decreased BC, increased MMP, but did not alter PMC-AUC. The effects of OXO-M on BC and PMC-AUC were suppressed by intravesical administration of AMN (50-100 mu M), and the effects of nicotine were blocked by hexamethonium (1 mM). Antagonists infused intravesically alone did not alter reflex bladder activity. However, AMN (0.2 mg/kg, subcutaneously) decreased PMC-AUC. 8-OH-DPAT (0.5 mg/kg, s.c.), a 5-HT1A A receptor agonist, suppressed the OXO-M-induced decrease in BC but not the enhancement of PMC-AUC. These results indicate that activation of cholinergic receptors located near the lumenal surface of the bladder modulates two types of reflex bladder activity (i.e., micturition and pre-micturition contractions). The effects may be mediated by activation of receptors on suburothelial afferent nerves or receptors on urothelial cells which release transmitters that can in turn alter afferent excitability. The selective action of nicotine on BC, while OXO-M affects both BC and PMC-AUC, suggests that micturition reflexes and PMCs are activated by different populations of afferent nerves. The selective suppression of the OXO-M effect on BC by 8-OH-DPAT without altering the effect on PMCs supports this hypothesis. The failure of intravesical administration of either AMN or hexamethonium alone to alter bladder activity indicates that cholinergic receptors located near the lumenal surface do not tonically regulate bladder reflex mechanisms in the SCI cat. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:膀胱内施用毒蕈碱受体激动剂(oxotremorine-M,OXO-M)和拮抗剂(硝酸阿托品硝酸甲酯,AMN)和烟碱样受体激动剂(烟碱)和拮抗剂(hexamethonium,C-6)对反射性膀胱活动的影响使用膀胱测压法对有意识的女性慢性脊髓损伤(SCI)猫进行了调查。 OXO-M(50μM)降低了引起排尿收缩的膀胱容量(BC),增加了最大排尿压力(MMP),增加了排尿前收缩曲线下的频率和面积(PMC-AUC)。尼古丁(250μM)降低BC,增加MMP,但不改变PMC-AUC。膀胱内给予AMN(50-100μM)可抑制OXO-M对BC和PMC-AUC的影响,而烟碱的影响可被六甲铵(1 mM)阻断。单独膀胱内注入的拮抗剂不会改变反射性膀胱活动。但是,AMN(0.2 mg / kg,皮下注射)降低PMC-AUC。 5-HT1A A受体激动剂8-OH-DPAT(0.5 mg / kg,s.c.)抑制OXO-M诱导的BC降低,但不能抑制PMC-AUC的增强。这些结果表明,位于膀胱腔表面附近的胆碱能受体的活化调节了两种反射性膀胱活动(即排尿收缩和排尿前收缩)。可以通过激活尿路上皮下传入神经上的受体或激活释放递质的尿路上皮细胞上的受体来介导这种作用,而递质又可以改变传入兴奋性。尼古丁对BC的选择性作用,而OXO-M同时影响BC和PMC-AUC时,表明排尿反射和PMC由不同的传入神经群激活。 8-OH-DPAT对BC的OXO-M效应的选择性抑制,而不改变对PMC的效应,支持了这一假设。膀胱内单独施用AMN或六甲铵不能改变膀胱活动,这表明位于腔表面附近的胆碱能受体不能在声调方面调节SCI猫的膀胱反射机制。 (C)2016 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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