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Eye-head coordination in the guinea pig II. Responses to self-generated (voluntary) head movements.


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Retinal image stability is essential for vision but may be degraded by head movements. The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) compensates for passive perturbations of head position and is usually assumed to be the major neural mechanism for ocular stability. During our recent investigation of vestibular reflexes in guinea pigs free to move their heads (Shanidze et al. in Exp Brain Res, 2010), we observed compensatory eye movements that could not have been initiated either by vestibular or neck proprioceptive reflexes because they occurred with zero or negative latency with respect to head movement. These movements always occurred in association with self-generated (active) head or body movements and thus anticipated a voluntary movement. We found the anticipatory responses to differ from those produced by the VOR in two significant ways. First, anticipatory responses are characterized by temporal synchrony with voluntary head movements (latency approximately 1 versus approximately 7 ms for the VOR). Second, the anticipatory responses have higher gains (0.80 vs. 0.46 for the VOR) and thus more effectively stabilize the retinal image during voluntary head movements. We suggest that anticipatory responses act synergistically with the VOR to stabilize retinal images. Furthermore, they are independent of actual vestibular sensation since they occur in guinea pigs with complete peripheral vestibular lesions. Conceptually, anticipatory responses could be produced by a feed-forward neural controller that transforms efferent motor commands for head movement into estimates of the sensory consequences of those movements.
机译:视网膜图像稳定性对于视觉至关重要,但可能因头部运动而降低。前庭眼反射(VOR)补偿头部位置的被动扰动,通常被认为是眼稳定性的主要神经机制。在我们最近对豚鼠自由移动头部的前庭反射的调查中(Shanidze等人,Exp Brain Res,2010),我们观察到前庭或颈部本体感受性反射无法引发的代偿性眼动,因为它们发生于头部运动的延迟为零或负。这些运动总是与自发的(主动的)头部或身体运动相关联地发生,并因此被预期为自愿运动。我们发现预期的响应在两个重要方面与VOR产生的响应不同。首先,预期反应的特征在于头部自愿运动的时间同步性(VOR的潜伏期约为1毫秒,而VOR约为7 ms)。其次,预期的响应具有更高的增益(VOR为0.80对0.46),因此在自愿性头部运动过程中可以更有效地稳定视网膜图像。我们建议预期的反应与VOR协同作用来稳定视网膜图像。此外,它们独立于实际的前庭感觉,因为它们发生在具有完全外周前庭病变的豚鼠中。从概念上讲,前馈神经控制器可以产生预期的响应,该控制器将传出的用于头部运动的运动命令转换为对这些运动的感觉后果的估计。



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