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Regional Resources, Global Knowledge Networks, and Innovation Policy: Special Issue in Honour of Bjorn Asheim


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Studies on knowledge bases, learning, innovation and innovation systems in a territorial context are important fields of research within economic geography. Such studies also provide important inputs to policy-makers who are focusing on the promotion of national, regional and local competitiveness, innovation and growth. Bjorn Asheim is a distinguished scholar in economic geography who, during the last two decades, has published extensively in international journals on these topics. His field of research ranges from studies on industrial districts in the 1980s to recent publications on regional innovation systems and the construction of regional advantages which bring together the analytical dimensions of industrial knowledge bases and institutional framework of varieties of capitalism. Innovation, innovation policy and regional economic growth and development are also topics of this special issue published in honour of Bjorn Asheim for his 60th birthday on 8 September 2008.
机译:在领土范围内对知识库,学习,创新和创新系统的研究是经济地理学领域的重要研究领域。这些研究还为致力于提高国家,地区和地方竞争力,创新与增长的决策者提供了重要的投入。比约恩·阿斯海姆(Bjorn Asheim)是一位杰出的经济地理学者,在过去的二十年中,他已在国际期刊上广泛发表了有关这些主题的文章。他的研究领域包括1980年代对工业区的研究,以及有关区域创新体系和区域优势建设的最新出版物,这些出版物汇集了工业知识基础的分析维度和资本主义品种的制度框架。创新,创新政策以及区域经济增长与发展也是本期特刊的主题,以纪念比约恩·阿斯海姆(Bjorn Asheim)于2008年9月8日诞辰60周年。



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