首页> 外文期刊>Evolution >Tailored bearing surfaces for optimum operating characteristics

Tailored bearing surfaces for optimum operating characteristics


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SKF researchers have discovered that superimposing patterns on the surface of rolling bearings, in the way that tyres are patterned to improve road holding, can be beneficial in some situations, especially under poor lubrication conditions. Now the focus is on determining the best way to modify the bearing surface to further optimise performance. The researchers have developed a new methodology, which is opening up new possibilities for bearing operation and design. SKF believes that this represents a significant advance in the understanding of the role surface topography plays in bearing operation. It has considerable implications for existing finishing processes used in bearing manufacture and is supporting the evaluation of new finishing techniques. One of the immediate consequences of this development is that it can support customers with advice related to thin film lubrication conditions that are found in a wide range of applications.
机译:SKF研究人员发现,在某些情况下,尤其是在润滑条件较差的情况下,以对轮胎进行构图以改善抓地力的方式,在滚动轴承表面上叠加构图可能是有益的。现在的重点是确定修改轴承表面以进一步优化性能的最佳方法。研究人员已经开发出一种新的方法,这为轴承的运行和设计开辟了新的可能性。 SKF认为,这代表了对表面形貌在轴承运行中作用的理解的重大进步。它对轴承制造中使用的现有精加工工艺具有重要意义,并且正在支持对新精加工技术的评估。这种发展的直接后果之一是,它可以为客户提供与薄膜润滑条件有关的建议,这些建议可在多种应用中找到。



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