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Paleontology and Evolution in the News


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It may come as a surprise to you that the raptor-like Archaeopteryx, usually considered to be the first bird, is actually a lot less bird-like than scientists had believed. In a press release from Florida State University (www.fsu.edu/ news/2009/10/09/first.bird) reporting on the study by Gregory M. Erickson, paleobiologist of Florida State University, the image of Archaeopteryx as the iconic first bird living 150 million years ago in the Late Jurassic Period in what is now Germany has been recast as more of a feathered dinosaur. That's because new, microscopic images of the ancient cells and blood vessels inside the bones of the winged, feathered, claw-handed creature showed unexpectedly slow growth and maturation that took years, similar to that found in dinosaurs, from which birds evolved. In contrast, living birds grow more rapidly and mature in a matter of weeks. Dr. Erickson said, "From these findings, we see that the physiological and metabolic transition into true birds occurred millions of years after Archaeopteryx. But perhaps equally important, we've shown that avians were able to fly even with dinosaur physiology." The study is published in the Oct. 9, 2009, issue of the journal PloS One (www.plosone.org). In addition to Erickson, an associate professor in Florida State's Department of Biological Science and a research associate at the American Museum of Natural History, coauthors include Florida State University biologist Brian D. Inouye and other US scientists, as well as researchers from Germany and China. Responding to the Florida press release, John Noble Wilford wrote "Paper Challenges Idea About 'Early Bird Dinosaurs'" in the New York Times, Friday, October 9, 2009 (www.nytimes.com/2009/10/09/ science/09fossil.html?scp=l&sq=wilford early bird& st=cse). In the article Mr. Wilford describes the historical importance of Archaeopteryx, a specimen of which was first found in 1860, in southern Germany, about a year after the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species. The discovery at that time swayed many scientists toward accepting the theory of evolution by natural selection. The article also contains several brief statements from scientists involved in the research, as well as some who are not. In the scientific paper, the research team concluded that Archaeopteryx "was simply a feathered dinosaur that might have been capable of some aerial behavior, though perhaps not powered flight. In short, despite the feathers, it was not the archetypal bird." Paleontologists who were interviewed but not involved in the research said the findings were an important step in dinosaur-bird studies but not surprising. The bone growth, the basis for some of the conclusions in the research paper, was unbirdlike but reflected metabolic rates greater than those in nondinosaurian reptiles; that is they were more warm-blooded than cold-blooded.
机译:像猛禽一样的始祖鸟通常被认为是第一只鸟,实际上比科学家想象的要少得多,这可能会让您感到惊讶。佛罗里达州立大学(www.fsu.edu/ news / 2009/10/09 / first.bird)的新闻稿报道了佛罗里达州立大学古生物学家Gregory M. Erickson的研究报告,始祖鸟是标志性图像这是生活在1.5亿年前的侏罗纪晚期的第一只鸟,现在的德国已被改种为更多羽毛的恐龙。那是因为有翅膀的,羽毛的,爪手生物的骨头内的古代细胞和血管的新的微观图像显示出出人意料的缓慢增长和成熟,这需要几年的时间,这与恐龙从中进化出的相似。相比之下,活禽在几周内就可以更快地成长并成熟。埃里克森博士说:“根据这些发现,我们发现,从始祖鸟迁徙到数百万年后,生理和新陈代谢才转变为真正的鸟类。但同样重要的是,我们证明了鸟类即使在恐龙的生理作用下也能够飞行。”这项研究发表在2009年10月9日的PloS One(www.plosone.org)杂志上。除了佛罗里达州立大学生物科学系副教授,美国自然历史博物馆研究助理埃里克森外,合著者包括佛罗里达州立大学生物学家布莱恩·D·伊努耶(Brian D. Inouye)和其他美国科学家,以及来自德国和中国的研究人员。在回应佛罗里达州的新闻稿时,约翰·诺布尔·威尔福德(John Noble Wilford)在2009年10月9日,星期五,纽约时报(www.nytimes.com/2009/10/09/ science / 09fossil)上发表了“关于“早起的恐龙”的纸质挑战的构想” .html?scp = l&sq = wilford早起的鸟儿和st = cse)。威尔福德先生在文章中描述了始祖鸟的历史重要性,始祖鸟的标本于1860年在达尔文的《物种起源》出版大约一年后于德国南部被发现。当时的发现使许多科学家开始接受自然选择的进化论。本文还包含参与研究的科学家的一些简短陈述,以及没有参与其中的一些人的简要陈述。在科学论文中,研究小组得出结论,始祖鸟“只是一种羽毛状的恐龙,虽然可能没有动力飞行,但可能具有某些空中行为。总之,尽管有羽毛,但它不是原型鸟。”接受采访但未参与研究的古生物学家说,这些发现是恐龙鸟研究的重要一步,但这并不令人惊讶。骨骼生长是研究论文某些结论的基础,呈鸟状,但反映出的代谢率高于非恐龙爬行动物。那就是他们比冷血更温血。



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